vla-mirror and attributes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by MRL, Jun 12, 2004.

  1. MRL

    MRL Guest


    Hello anyone tell me how to mirror a block with vla-mirror?
    I know how to mirror an object but how do i mirror the attributes ?


    here is my code (but it is incomplete)

    (setq util (vla-get-utility
    (vla-getentity util 'obj 'ip "\nSelect Object: ")
    (setq fpoint (vla-getpoint util nil
    "\nSpecify first point of mirror line: "))
    (setq spoint (vla-getpoint util fpoint
    "\nSpecify second point of mirror line: "))
    (setq newobj (vla-Mirror obj fpoint spoint))
    < something missing here >
    MRL, Jun 12, 2004
  2. MRL

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Just make sure the sysvar "mirrtext" is set to 1 and the attributes will
    mirror with the block.

    Jeff Mishler, Jun 14, 2004
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