vl-string-translate question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Daron Denton, Jan 19, 2004.

  1. Daron Denton

    Daron Denton Guest

    could someone try replacing "\\" with "\\\\" using vl-string-translate or

    (vl-string-subst "\\" "\\\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\")
    returns = "g:\\test1\\test2\\"

    (vl-string-translate "\\" "\\\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\")
    returns = "g:\\test1\\test2\\"

    (dos_strreplace "g:\\test1\\test2\\" "\\" "\\\\")
    returns = "g:\\\\test1\\\\test2\\\\" <<<---this is what i'm looking for

    Daron Denton, Jan 19, 2004
  2. Daron,

    the vl-string-subst substitute only the first one the function finds.

    something like this:

    (defun string-to-list (str pat / i j n lst)
    ((/= (type str) (type pat) 'STR))
    ((= str pat) '(""))
    (setq i 0
    n (strlen pat))
    (while (setq j (vl-string-search pat str i))
    (setq lst (cons (substr str (1+ i) (- j i)) lst)
    i (+ j n)))
    (mapcar '(lambda (x) (vl-string-trim " " x))
    (reverse (cons (substr str (1+ i)) lst))))))

    (apply 'strcat
    (mapcar '(lambda (str) (strcat str "\\\\"))
    '(lambda (str) (/= str ""))
    (string-to-list "g:\\test1\\test2\\" "\\"))))



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    Luis Esquivel, Jan 19, 2004
  3. Daron Denton

    Daron Denton Guest

    thanks Luis. i wish you hadn't gone to all the trouble, i was just looking
    for confirmation. :eek:)

    but again, thank you.

    Daron Denton, Jan 19, 2004
  4. Daron Denton

    Doug Broad Guest

    Confirmed(but you were doing it backwards) and it will only find
    the first instance from left. It couldn't find an instance of "\\\\"

    (vl-string-subst "\\\\" "\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\")
    Doug Broad, Jan 19, 2004
  5. ; Multiple substitution of a pattern string - 05/21/03
    ; Original by John Uhden, added SttPos argument
    ; Arguments:
    ; NewStr: the string to be substituted for pattern
    ; PatStr: a string containing the pattern to be replaced
    ; InpStr: the string to be searched for pattern
    ; SttPos: 0, nil or an integer identifying the starting position of the
    ; Return Values: the value of string after any substitutions have been made
    ; Example:
    ; (ALE_StringSubstAll "new" "old" "old test for old method" nil)
    ; Notes:
    ; the search is case-sensitive
    ; SttPos = 0 or nil > substitution start from first character
    ; NewStr = "" remove all instances of PatStr from SttPos
    ; Suggestions:
    ; use (vl-string-translate "\t" " " "Hi\tthis\tis\ta\ttest!")
    ; for single (or set) character substitution (not to remove)
    ; (N.B. the inversion of arguments)
    (defun ALE_StringSubstAll (NewStr PatStr InpStr SttPos / NewLen)
    (setq NewLen (strlen NewStr))
    (while (setq SttPos (vl-string-search PatStr InpStr SttPos))
    InpStr (vl-string-subst NewStr PatStr InpStr SttPos)
    SttPos (+ SttPos NewLen)

    Comando: (ALE_StringSubstAll "\\\\" "\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\" nil)


    Marc'Antonio Alessi (TV) Italy
    (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.")

    O.S. = XP Pro 2002 - Sp.1 - Ita
    AutoCAD = 2004 Ita
    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Jan 20, 2004
  6. This might not be the most efficient, but it's
    relatively bomb proof ( or that's the illusion
    I'm enjoying ) - it won't be tripped up into
    endless loops by identical or similar old and
    new strings ( improvements anyone might have to
    offer are welcomed ).

    Of course, you'd never want to send it a old, new
    or original string of "-=+#|\001*\377*\001|#+=-",
    though I consider the odds of that coming up
    *PRETTY* low.

    (defun Replace ( OldStr NewStr Str / &Replace TempStr )
    ;  local defun
    (defun &Replace ( OldStr NewStr Str / i )
    (while (setq i (vl-string-search OldStr Str))
    (setq Str
    (vl-string-subst NewStr OldStr Str i)
    ;  "main"
    (  (or (eq OldStr NewStr) (eq "" OldStr)) Str)
    (  (eq NewStr "") (&Replace OldStr NewStr Str))
    (  (vl-string-search OldStr NewStr)
    (setq TempStr "-=+#|\001*\377*\001|#+=-")
    (&Replace OldStr TempStr Str)
    (  (&Replace OldStr NewStr Str)  )
    (Replace "\\" "\\\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\")

    Returns "g:\\\\test1\\\\test2\\\\"



    ~ ~ ~

    "Daron Denton" <ask, and i'll give it to you> wrote in message

    could someone try replacing "\\" with "\\\\" using vl-string-translate or

    (vl-string-subst "\\" "\\\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\")
    returns = "g:\\test1\\test2\\"

    (vl-string-translate "\\" "\\\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\")
    returns = "g:\\test1\\test2\\"

    (dos_strreplace "g:\\test1\\test2\\" "\\" "\\\\")
    returns = "g:\\\\test1\\\\test2\\\\" <<<---this is what i'm looking for

    michael puckett, Jan 20, 2004
  7. Hi Michael,

    O.S. = XP Pro 2002 - Sp.1 - Ita
    AutoCAD = 2004 Ita
    Comando: (ALE_StringSubstAll "\\" "\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\" nil)

    My reports are:

    (timerU '(Replace "\\" "\\\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\") 100000)
    100000 it.: 5.08 secs.

    (timerU '(ALE_StringSubstAll "\\\\" "\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\" nil) 100000)
    100000 it.: 3.96 secs.

    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Jan 20, 2004
  8. Bench this:

    (timerU '(Replace "" "\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\") 100000)

    (timerU '(ALE_StringSubstAll "\\" "" "g:\\test1\\test2\\" nil) 100000)


    - - -

    "Marc'Antonio Alessi" <maalessi at tin dot it> wrote in message
    Hi Michael,

    O.S. = XP Pro 2002 - Sp.1 - Ita
    AutoCAD = 2004 Ita
    Comando: (ALE_StringSubstAll "\\" "\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\" nil)

    My reports are:

    (timerU '(Replace "\\" "\\\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\") 100000)
    100000 it.: 5.08 secs.

    (timerU '(ALE_StringSubstAll "\\\\" "\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\" nil) 100000)
    100000 it.: 3.96 secs.

    michael puckett, Jan 20, 2004
  9. Ok, thanks:

    (defun ALE_StringSubstAll (NewStr PatStr InpStr SttPos / NewLen)
    (if (= "" PatStr)
    (setq NewLen (strlen NewStr))
    (while (setq SttPos (vl-string-search PatStr InpStr SttPos))
    InpStr (vl-string-subst NewStr PatStr InpStr SttPos)
    SttPos (+ SttPos NewLen)

    (timerU '(Replace "" "\\" "g:\\test1\\test2\\") 100000)
    100000 it.: 3.59 secs.

    (timerU '(ALE_StringSubstAll "\\" "" "g:\\test1\\test2\\" nil) 100000)
    100000 it.: 3.52 secs.
    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Jan 21, 2004
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