versionsync vs command line netlisting

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by danmc, May 3, 2005.

  1. danmc

    danmc Guest

    I want to be able to netlist a design by running:

    icms -nograph -replay

    where has

    design("mylib" "mycell" "myview")
    createNetlist(?recreateAll t)

    It seems when I'm using versionsync and all cells are checked in, the
    design() call doesn't take. Then in my CDS.log I see:

    \o You do not have the required cellViews or properties open
    \o for this session. You may have purged the data from
    \o memory or the schematic data has been closed. You can
    \o simulator('simulatorName) to reset the session or quit the
    \o application that you are using.
    \o The design has not been specified as yet. Please specify
    \o the design using the design() command, or refer to
    \o ocnHelp(' design).

    has anyone else seen this? This is a real pain. Any workaround?

    I'm using 5.0.33 USR3

    danmc, May 3, 2005
  2. Most likely the problem is because design() normally opens the
    design in edit mode (mostly for historical reasons, as socket-based
    interfaces such as spectreS needed this).

    I've a solution on for this - 11011216.

    The solution is to use:

    design("mylib" "mycell" "myview" "r")

    i.e. add a fourth argument "r" to indicate you want to open the design
    in readonly mode.


    Andrew Beckett, May 4, 2005
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