"Vectorizing" a custom skill function

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Stephen Greenwood, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. I'm writing a SKILL function to count the number of crossings in a
    waveform object. After some poking around in the SKILL ADE Reference,
    I managed to write the following:

    procedure( crossCount( inWave crosspt edgeType )
    crossWave = cross(inWave crosspt 0 edgeType t "time")
    numberOfCrossings = drVectorLength(drGetWaveformYVec(crossWave))

    where the arguments are as follows:

    inWave (waveform)
    crosspt (float)
    edgeType (string ["rising" | "falling" | "either"] )

    The idea is to use the cross function to capture all crossings of a
    user-defined threshold "crosspt", then get the length of one of the
    vectors returned from that cross() function. (In this case I chose the
    YVec.) So numberOfCrossings returns an integer, and it works fine when
    "inWave" is a single waveform.

    However, when "inWave" is a family of waveforms, the function does not
    do what I want it to. It returns a single integer, whereas I want it
    to return a vector of integers. Can anyone suggest a way to accomplish
    this? I'm not so concerned about the type of the data returned
    (integer or float), as long as I can get the information somehow.

    Thanks for any help you can provide,
    Stephen Greenwood
    Stephen Greenwood, Jan 18, 2011
  2. Bump.

    Anyone? Thank you.
    Stephen Greenwood, Jan 26, 2011
  3. Stephen Greenwood wrote, on 01/26/11 18:12:

    The way this is normally done is something like this (i.e. have a cond which
    checks the type, and then use famMap if it's a family):

    procedure(ABEyeHisto(waveform start stop period threshold bins @optional
    (edgeType "either"))
    ; Handle ordinary waveform
    let((xVec len clipped crosses cycleNum edgePos binArray binWidth bin
    outXVec outYVec)
    binArray=makeVector(bins+1 0)
    ; if no start given (start less or equal to 0), use first time point
    start=drGetElem(xVec 0))
    ; if no stop given (stop less or equal to 0), use last time point
    stop=drGetElem(xVec len-1))
    ; cast everything to floats, just to make sure
    ; clip the waveform
    clipped=clip(waveform start stop)
    ; And find the crossing points, and then bin them
    crosses=cross(clipped threshold 0 edgeType)
    foreach(cross crosses
    ; Build the waveform
    outXVec=drCreateVec('double bins)
    outYVec=drCreateVec('intlong bins)
    for(binNum 0 bins-1
    drSetElem(outXVec binNum binWidth*(binNum+0.5))
    drSetElem(outYVec binNum binArray[binNum])
    drCreateWaveform(outXVec outYVec)
    ; Handle family
    famMap('ABEyeHisto waveform start stop period threshold bins edgeType)
    ) ; family
    error("ABEyeHisto - can't handle %L\n" waveform)
    ) ; cond
    ) ; procedure


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 22, 2011
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