vba sample that recurses through parts in a folder and subfolders

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, May 9, 2007.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest


    I admit it's been a few years but I've written vba code that builds an
    array of files in a folder/sub-folder and then steps through the files
    one at a time performing a sequence of commands. Problem is that code
    I wrote was for MDT not SW. I'd love to see a sample of a macro that
    builds an array of files - I've searched high and low with no luck.

    Zander, May 9, 2007
  2. Zander

    Dave Guest

    I wrote this to create empty phantom part files (no features, no
    references) for BOM creation. The script traverses a database and
    creates a phantom part for each record, then adds custom properties.

    Hope this helps.

    Private Sub cmdCreatePhantoms_Click()
    Set r = datParts.Recordset
    Set f = r.fields
    Set swApp = Nothing
    Set Part = Nothing
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    PhantomPart$ = "\\Parts_Database\SWX_BOM\p_" +
    datParts.Recordset.fields("Brammo part no") + ".sldprt"
    PartName$ = "p_" + datParts.Recordset.fields("brammo part no")
    SWXModel$ = datParts.Recordset.fields("brammo part no") +
    Set Part = swApp.OpenDoc6("C:\Phantom.SLDPRT", 1, 0, "",
    longstatus, longwarnings)
    Set Part = swApp.ActivateDoc2("Phantom.SLDPRT", False, longstatus)
    Part.SaveAs2 PhantomPart$, 0, False, False
    Call subUpdateProperties
    Part.SaveAs2 PhantomPart$, 0, False, False
    boolstatus = swApp.CloseAllDocuments(True)
    X% = X% + 1
    If X% = 15 Then Stop

    End Sub

    Sub subUpdateProperties()
    Set r = datParts.Recordset
    Set f = r.fields
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
    Dim retval As String

    Thickness$ = f("thickness") & ""
    PartNumber$ = f("brammo part no") & ""
    Description$ = f("Part Description") & ""
    Material$ = f("Material") & ""
    PartName$ = f("brammo part no") & ""
    Component$ = f("Component") & ""
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActivateDoc2(PhantomPart$, False, longstatus)
    retval = swModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "Part Number", swCustomInfoText,
    retval = swModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "Description", swCustomInfoText,
    retval = swModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "Material", swCustomInfoText,
    retval = swModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "MAT THICKNESS", swCustomInfoText,
    retval = swModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "Component", swCustomInfoText,

    End Sub
    Dave, May 9, 2007
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