Using Sun Grid Engine for Cadence applications

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Justin, Jan 2, 2004.

  1. Justin

    Justin Guest

    Hi all
    Anybody have experience of using Sun Grid Engine sofware with
    Cadence applications? I would need the scripts for any applications if
    there's any. Also, i would like to find out on the characteristics of
    most cadence applications so as for me to see how SGE can fit in.

    Thank you for your help

    Justin, Jan 2, 2004
  2. Justin

    fogh Guest

    I am sorry I can t help you, but am interested in your results. Please
    post your conclusions in the NG.
    fogh, Jan 7, 2004
  3. Justin

    Justin Guest

    I will need some prior knowledge of cadence application before i
    could do that.Would you be able to help me on getting more information
    about cadence applications characteristics? (eg workflow for
    applications,submission module).

    thank you
    Justin, Jan 12, 2004
  4. Justin

    Erik Wanta Guest

    We have been asking Cadence for years now to support SGE. Please open
    a SR on sourcelink and help us push.

    You can't submit jobs with SGE from the GUI but you should have no
    problem submitting jobs from the command line.

    For example if you want to submit a spectre job:
    1. go to the netlist directory
    2. qsub runSimulation

    If you want to submit an assura run:
    1. qsub assura whatever.rsf

    I think in assura 31 you can specify a command to be prefixed to the
    assura run. You should be able to specify qsub there.
    Erik Wanta, Jan 13, 2004
  5. Justin

    Erik Wanta Guest

    See previous posts entitled:
    SGE Linux
    Distributing Computing
    Erik Wanta, Jan 13, 2004
  6. Justin

    Justin Guest


    Thanks for your reply, i thought i won't get any after so many days :)

    How do i go about doing this? Please advice. I would strongly want
    that collaboration to happen.
    Yup, i do have some sample scripts with me through command line based
    job and i understand that GUI job is not possible. But i would like to
    find out what would i need to know (eg workflow) of these applications
    before we could see Candence do something about it? Do they have a
    common pattern of how each processes works Correct me if i'm wrong, do
    we have to talk to the developers to ask them for a closer integration
    with SGE. I was thinking along the line of DRMAA when the next version
    of SGE is released.

    Also, i would like to find out on the characteristic of different
    cadence program (eg support batch processing?, computer
    intensive?,support parallel programming) that to better
    understand which platform would be best for which applications

    Thanks for your help
    Justin, Jan 13, 2004
  7. Justin

    Erik Wanta Guest


    You need to get an account at Once in, click
    on create service request and ask for SGE support for all Cadence
    Analog Artist:
    Cadence has somthing called LBS for load balancing system I think.
    They also support LSF. They have a GUI to enter LSF options. In my
    opinion this is the wrong approach as the submission form doesn't have
    all the available options that one could enter from the command line
    for LSF. For regular spectre simulations I would like to see just a
    form field where I could enter a LSF or SGE command that would be
    prefixed to the run command. I would also like it to put the results
    in run1, run2, ... as it does now so that I wouldn't overwrite results
    if I ran the same schematic twice. If they just prefixed the run
    command with either the SGE or LSF submission command it would run
    today. One problem is the parametric analysis and optimization
    submissions. I don't know how they submit each of the parametric runs
    internally. I have something similar but it submits ocean scripts for
    each run. In short, I would like to see Cadence take a hands off
    approach. I don't want to use any Cadence developed load balancing
    tools. I don't want to use any Cadence job monitoring. I just want
    them to figure out how they can transparently run Cadence jobs with
    either LSF or SGE. I think it is the responsibility of the one
    submitting the job to know all the submission options and shouldn't be
    limited by an incomplete form. I want to monitor the progress of the
    jobs with the utilities provided by LSF or SGE as I do with any job
    (Cadence or not).

    In version 3.1 you can specify a list of queues to be used. In this
    case I think they did a good job in that it just prefixes the assura
    run with the LSF submission command. I have not tried SGE but it
    should work.

    AMS Designer:
    I would like the option to submit the job with bsub -I when running in
    GUI mode. If not GUI mode I would like to prefix the job with the LSF
    or SGE run command. As far as I know this is still not possible today
    from the AMS GUI.
    Erik Wanta, Jan 14, 2004
  8. Hi Justin,

    we already use spectre with SGE.
    We are not able to perform parallel simulations like in MonteCarlo and so on
    in the grid as the implementation from Cadence is only suitable for LSF, but
    every user pressing the "Simulate" Button in Artist pushes its jobs in the
    Grid and even the users on slower Solaris workstations therefore use the
    compute power of fast linux-boxes.

    The only thing we did for that was to write a "spectre"-wrapper and take
    care that it is in the path before the "real" spectre (but I guess you can
    define the path to spectre in a .cdsenv-variable instead). I didn't try so
    far but we should be able to run SpectreVerilog on another machine with this
    wrapper too (we should only need to change the workstation-name in the
    commandline-args to "localhost").

    Ulrich Seeling, Feb 7, 2004
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