Unable to access Layout XL in cadence

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by shilpi, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. shilpi

    shilpi Guest


    when i'm trying to import my schematic to layout using TOOLS -> Design
    Synthesis -> Layout XL , it pops up the layout window for the
    corresponding cell but no cells are imported and finally it flashes
    the following error:

    To get virtuoso XL connectivity, you need to update your tech file.

    Can anyone please guide me what n where do i need 2 update.


    shilpi, Dec 26, 2008
  2. shilpi wrote, on 12/26/08 05:43:

    It probably tells you more in the CIW - but if using IC5141, you probably need
    to add the lxRules section.

    Take a look at <instdir>/tools/dfII/samples/techfile/mpu.tf at the lxRules (in
    particularly the lxExtractLayers).

    You'd also need some symbolic contacts.

    To be honest, the best bet is to read the documentation.
    Look at $CDSHOME/doc/vxlhelp/vxlhelp.pdf

    Chapter 2 (in both IC5141 and IC61) talks about the technology file requirements.


    Andrew Beckett, Dec 31, 2008
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