trigger SKILL on copy from library manager

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Erik Wanta, Jan 15, 2004.

  1. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    I have a custom viewType defined. If the view is copied I want to
    modify the cells in the view to reflect the copy (change directory
    names to match new cell name). Does anyone know a way to trigger
    SKILL on the view copy in the library manager. I see how I can use a
    dataTrigger when the view is opened from the library manager but I
    don't see anything for when the view is copied.
    Erik Wanta, Jan 15, 2004
  2. Hi Erik,

    You can use ccpRegTrigger to register a trigger with the copy system. However,
    you also need to tell the library manager that you want the copy done in
    the DFII session, rather than in the library manager.

    To do this, you need the cdsenv setting:

    ddserv.lib enableCopyInDFII boolean t

    Note, this has to be in a .cdsenv, not done just via a envSetVal(),
    (unless in an envSetVal() in the file as well as .cdsinit),
    because it needs to be read by the library manager process when it starts
    (and this doesn't read the .cdsinit).


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 18, 2004
  3. Erik Wanta

    fogh Guest

    You can use ccpRegTrigger to register a trigger with the copy system. However,
    CCCP !
    a proof at last.
    and what about all these red colors on the corporate pages ?

    I just knew it, cadence is a bunch of commies. They simply plot to
    destroy free market itself. They ve just started with the weakening of
    all hard-working californian IC developpers, pumping all their revenues
    in China !

    fogh, Jan 19, 2004
  4. Mind you, at least we got rid of the old 4.3.X function hiKillChild() which was
    definitely non-PC...

    Andrew Beckett, Jan 19, 2004
  5. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    You are a god.

    Setting in the .cdsinit seems to work.
    envSetVal("ddserv.lib" "enableCopyInDFII" 'boolean t)

    Is the enableCopyInDFII option documented anywhere? I don't think I
    would have figured out that I had to enable this on my own. I see it
    in tools.lnx86/dfII/etc/tools/ddserv/.cdsenv but when I searched for
    enableCopyInDFII in sourcelink I got 0 hits.
    Erik Wanta, Jan 27, 2004
  6. Hi Erik,

    Thanks for the vote of confidence. Hopefully if I'm omnipotent I can
    get the flight I'm on to land on time at Heathrow (there are somethings that
    are beyond even the Almighty).

    I'll make sure that:

    a) there's a solution on this
    b) I file a PCR to get it documented.

    Andrew Beckett, Jan 27, 2004
  7. I've written a solution - it should appear on sourcelink once reviewed.
    I've also sent some feedback on the ccpRegTrigger() documentation to say
    that this should be mentioned in the documentation too.

    Andrew Beckett, Feb 2, 2004
  8. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    I want to perform an operation on each copied object of a specific
    viewType. Is there a way that I can figure out the lib/cell/view of
    every object and perform an operation on that object just after the
    object is copied?

    Lets say I have a text label "A" in schematicA.

    I copy schematicA to schematicB

    I want to change the label from "A" to "B" after the schematic is
    copied. Note I really want to do somthing more complicated but the
    above example hopefully explains that I am having difficulty figuring
    out which objects are being copied in the ccpTrigger.
    Erik Wanta, Feb 15, 2004
  9. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    I see that the argList contains several from/to gdmSpec arguments. I
    see that I can use gdmInspectSpec to get the lib/cell/view information
    from these gdmSpec arguments.
    Erik Wanta, Feb 17, 2004
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