Top down design

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by kabsglobal, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. kabsglobal

    kabsglobal Guest

    what is top down design,please any one explain in detail.
    thanks in advance for the same
    kabsglobal, Feb 2, 2005
  2. kabsglobal

    Engineer Guest

    Top-down or Bottom-up are the two most common design styles. I don't know
    how much detail you are looking for, but here are some simple explanations.

    Bottom-up means to design each part of an assembly separately. This may be
    when you don't have Intralink and several designers are working on what will
    eventually be the same assembly. Each part is created individually and then
    'merged' together into an assembly. This is when you find out how well the
    pieces fit together.

    Top-down, however, is where each piece is created at the assembly level. I
    can't speak for anyone else, but that's how I have always designed even back
    on the boards (I just didn't know it actually had a name!). Each piece is
    constructed inside the assembly and them 'pieced out' to their respective
    detial 'parts' (.prt).

    Hope that helps
    Engineer, Feb 3, 2005
  3. kabsglobal

    John Wade Guest

    Top down design is where the functionality of an entire component
    module, or product, is considered simultaneously, rather than just as the
    sum of it's parts. High power workstations make this possible as entire
    assemblies can be easily manupulated and the overall effect of design
    changes noted. It's important to think 'top down, bottom up' when doing
    this, which is to say, allt he parts in an assembly must either own their
    own geometry, or have it fed in by the assembly, and not reference other
    parts in the assembly. This is because, unless you really know your stuff,
    you can end up creating circular references galore, leading to
    unregeneratable assemblies.
    John Wade, Feb 3, 2005
  4. kabsglobal

    Dan Richards Guest

    Top-down design as I know it, is a process where design information is
    passed down from the top level to lower levels. Portions of the design can
    then be assigned to multiple designers with reference information included,
    which will then update if changes are made at higher levels.
    Dan Richards, Feb 3, 2005
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