TOP and LEFT screen coords of thisdrawing

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by antonio, Dec 20, 2003.

  1. antonio

    antonio Guest

    I'd like to know the top, left, bottom and right properties of the
    window of Thisdrawing

    I tried with GetClientRect Thisdrawing.hWnd, but it always gives me
    Top=0 and Left=0 (why?) even if I have previously resized and moved
    the window
    I have a simple program that prints some useful information directly
    on the working area, near the cursor position; I have used
    GetWindowDC(ThisDrawing.hWnd) and Textout

    Unfortunately, when the cursor is nearby the right edge of the window,
    the STRING is cut, since there isn't enough space on the right. In
    this case I'd want to use DrawText and DT_RIGHT or DT_LEFT, dipending
    on cursor position; everything works, but this silly problem: I need
    the screen coords of thisdrawing window and I'm not able to find them!
    I bet this is a silly question, sorry.
    antonio, Dec 20, 2003
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