Text Line Weight

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by curious, May 7, 2007.

  1. curious

    curious Guest

    I've searched the group but couldn't come up with anything. Here

    I can't seem to change the line weight of any text in my drawings. I
    select the text and change the weight in the attributes bar, the
    attribute has changed, but the text looks the same. Line weights are
    on in the view attributes. Everything else works fine. It doesn't
    appear to be a level symbology issue either. I'm stumped and it's
    incredibly annoying.

    Any thoughts?

    curious, May 7, 2007
  2. curious

    do_the_dew Guest

    Microstation can use different types of text elements and how they
    appear in Microstation can depend on what font resource file you are
    using or what type of "true-type" text font element your using. The
    original "stick" fonts that are defined in a resource file can be have
    their weights changed, but if your using the newer true type fonts
    then they do not change appearence when you change their weight. I'm
    guessing that the font your trying to change is a type of font who's
    appearence is not effected by weight. The only other guess is that if
    it is a font that can be changed is that you could have some view
    attribute turn on , i.e. slow fonts?
    do_the_dew, May 17, 2007
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