Text Box

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by B Pike, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. B Pike

    B Pike Guest

    I am using AS9 + XP Pro.

    With text boxes, is there anyway to vary the size of the box in relation to
    the text? Help does not indicate so.

    At present the text box virtually touches the text, which tends to make the
    text hard to read. I typically use Arial font, at an aspect of 0.6.

    Any thoughts anyone.

    Thanks and regards

    B Pike, Feb 7, 2005
  2. B Pike

    Paul Jackson Guest


    Start and End with a Carriage Return. but that will only help the top and

    Paul Jackson, Feb 8, 2005
  3. B Pike

    Gadget Guest

    Yes -
    You need to be in "Inplace Edit" mode rather than the "Text Editor Dialogue" and simply drag the bounding lines of the text box.

    You can also R-click on the text box and go into "Entities" - this will bring up some other options that are not obvious in the interactive toolbar.

    (there is not a "padding" option - the bounding box is the bounding box - just take it in a bit.)
    Note that there is no quick (single click) way to convert between text-box text and text-entity text; you have to cut from one, create a blank other and paste into it.
    Gadget, Feb 9, 2005
  4. B Pike

    B Pike Guest

    Thanks for the responses guys.

    However, dragging the boundaries of the text box resizes the text as well as
    the box - not what I am after. I just want to set the distance from the text
    to the box. Can this be done in the registry perhaps?

    Also, if lower case text is used, then letters which extend below the line
    protrude outside the box (g, y, p etc.).

    Perhaps I should just draw a rectangular polygon around the text!!

    Also, I get a blank page in the help file for anything to do with 3D
    effects, including isometric transformations - is this normal?


    AS9, build 88. XP Pro
    B Pike, Feb 10, 2005
  5. B Pike

    Gadget Guest

    However, dragging the boundaries of the text box resizes the text
    That's why I made special note to say that you must be in the "in place edit" mode. If you are *not* in this mode, then the text will stretch like you say.
    Gadget, Feb 10, 2005
  6. B Pike

    B Pike Guest

    Sorry Gadget - no matter what I do, the text always stretches with the box.
    Is it just me, or is it the program???

    B Pike, Feb 11, 2005
  7. B Pike

    j_szymura Guest

    Box text bad font Arial CE
    j_szymura, Feb 11, 2005
  8. B Pike

    Gadget Guest

    OK, try this...
    - Click the text box icon ("A" with a dotted box round it rather than the "A" with a dot on one corner)
    - Drag a rectangle on screen
    - When you release the mouse button, you should just see the box with a thick grey outline and you can start typing
    -* IF you get a pop-up box that says "Text Editor" for you to type in, then you are not in "in-pace edit" mode: click the button on the right that says "Inplace Edit".
    - type in lots of stuff
    - move the mouse cursor over the grey edges untill it changes to a sizeable pointer
    - drag the edges.

    Note that you have to actually be editing the text for this to work; if you are just on the selection tool, it will streatch.

    If you have a text box already on the screen, you can edit it by simply double clicking, or selecting the text and clicking on the 'edit text' button from the interactive toolbar.

    The only limit to trying to re-size the text box is the length of your words: it will not split words or hyphenate for you - the minimum width it can be is the length of your longest word.

    If this dosn't work, then I really am confused.
    Gadget, Feb 11, 2005
  9. B Pike

    B Pike Guest

    Thanks again Gadget.

    I tried all the below. The thick grey outline I could drag all over the
    place while the text remains where it is.

    However, when I finish editing the text, and right click outside the box,
    the thick grey outline disappears and I am still left with the fine outline
    just around the text.

    Drawing a rectangular polygon around the text (like I have been doing for
    the last umpteen years) is looking quite good at present!!!


    B Pike, Feb 16, 2005
  10. B Pike

    Gadget Guest

    tried all the below. The thick grey outline I could drag all over the
    ?? Do you also realise that the text can be aligned to any of the nine basic points of a square (top left, top center, top right, ...bottom right) If the text is remaining where it is, then perhaps it's right aligned and you are dragging the left border?
    This "thick grey line" is just a visual placement guide to aid you in where you want the text placed; it is not a border to the text box you will ever see when printing or viewing the final image.
    I assume that the fine outline is just a box that you drew round the text; it is a seperate entity and will only move with the text if you group them (If you do this, stretching the group will deform the text.)
    If you are looking for a box round the text, or as a background to the text, then yes - I am fairly sure that's the only way to do it.

    Hope this helps

    Gadget, Feb 16, 2005
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