Symbols not saved in drawing.

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by PRR, Jun 27, 2003.

  1. PRR

    PRR Guest

    I’ve created symbols and saved them in a symbol library, some of the symbols save correctly but some of them don't reappear when I re-open the drawing. I've checked and it's not a background color issue. The symbols just aren't there. I've exploded them and saved them under the same name but still get the same results. Would appreciate any help thanks, PRR
    PRR, Jun 27, 2003
  2. PRR

    Paul Jackson Guest



    How many symbols in your library?



    "PRR" <> wrote in message news:...

    I’ve created symbols and saved them in a symbol library, some of the symbols save correctly but some of them don't reappear when I re-open the drawing. I've checked and it's not a background color issue. The symbols just aren't there. I've exploded them and saved them under the same name but still get the same results. Would appreciate any help thanks, PRR
    Paul Jackson, Jun 30, 2003
  3. PRR

    PRR Guest

    I have 10 symbols in that library. It was a newly created library. Four of the ten symbols created would not save. I was able to explode a symbol and save it under a new name, delete the old symbol, rename the new symbol using the name of the original symbol and then it saved.
    PRR, Jun 30, 2003
  4. PRR

    John Nolte Guest


    One thing to remember about symbols is that when you draw one and save it as
    a symbol, there is still no such symbol in the drawing. Often it is a good
    idea to place a new symbol and delete the one you drew. If you assume the
    original is a symbol, your symbol count will be off. If the original
    drawing is the only place in the drawing that shape occurs, it will not be
    considered a symbol, and will not appear in the symbol drop-down list.

    John Nolte, Jun 30, 2003
  5. PRR

    PRR Guest

    I made all the symbols in one file and save them to a new library. Then close that file and pasted the symbols into a new drawing. When I completed the drawing I printed it then saved and closed it. When I opened it the following day four of the symbols didn't display. I tried it several times and got the same results.
    PRR, Jul 1, 2003
  6. PRR

    PRR Guest

    Paul, I tried what you suggested increasing from 200 to 500, still unable to save symbols in drawing. This is an interesting problem. Still struggling, PRR
    PRR, Jul 2, 2003
  7. PRR

    PRR Guest

    Problem resolved. Unloaded Autosketch and reloaded it. Everything seems to work now. Thanks for the help guys, PRR
    PRR, Jul 3, 2003
  8. PS. Want to apologize for the lousy lettering in the
    Electrical Legend sample.
    Who else than an Elec. Engineer would be so visually
    Gerhard Selzer, Jul 3, 2003
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