SW = CATIA JR. ????

Discussion in 'CATIA' started by TOP, May 11, 2007.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    TOP, May 11, 2007

  2. Evan Yares seems to be a pretty smart, well-connected fellow. I liked what I
    read so much that I started reading the rest of his stuff. The 5th post,
    "Software as a Big Ball of Mud" is, I'll bet, a perfect description of

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 11, 2007
  3. TOP

    TOP Guest

    After pondering these links a strange coincidence comes to mind. It
    was at the 3 Amigos meeting that Mr. Charles and the SW user community
    got about as close together as they ever will. Right after the 3 Amigo
    meeting there was some sort of reception for Mr. Charles. I think
    Sporky went while I was getting a taxi to Logan. It was kind of like
    these two black holes were vying to suck up the SW planet. Looks like
    the Dassault black hole might win the gravitational tug of war yet
    unless the users can grab a neutron star or two from somewhere.

    I suppose when you think about the money side, SW is still selling for
    3995 plus adders. Back in 2001 I think the euro was worth 80 or 90
    cents. Now it is worth $1.25 or there abouts. So every seat sold
    fetches about 64 cents on the dollar that it fetched in 2001. That is
    a big hit to income to Dassault from the SW side. Maybe the best thing
    that could happen is that the Euro take a dive compared to the

    This also makes CATIA less attractive than UG or Pro/E which shouldn't
    be as effected by the currency differences. All the while UG and Pro/E
    can be very competitive in Europe against CATIA.

    And as SW has delved into PDM in a big way, I wonder if some of
    CATIA's bigger customers are tire kicking SW.

    Well it has been fun trying to guess what it all means. Hope it
    doesn't happen.

    TOP, May 12, 2007
  4. TOP

    Cliff Guest

    IIRC China has stopped buying dollars & may be dumping most of their
    holdings & may soon be getting rid of their US T-bills (over a trilion
    dollars worth of debt that the US must pay for with something real).

    Should Japan follow ... dollar might be worth a dime.
    Cliff, May 12, 2007
  5. The dollar will always be worth ten dimes, even if that only adds up
    to one yuan.

    Best regards,
    Spehro Pefhany
    Spehro Pefhany, May 12, 2007
  6. TOP

    ms Guest

    Cliff, you're an idiot
    ms, May 14, 2007
  7. TOP

    Cliff Guest

    "Foreigners slash purchase of long-term US securities"

    "Up until now, Venezuela sold us oil, then immediately invested the proceeds
    in Treasury bills, shifting the funds right back to the United States. Chávez
    withdrew that money and, heaven help us, spent it on building his country's

    "As much as 75 percent of China's more than $1.2 trillion in foreign currency
    reserves, the world's largest, is believed to be in dollar-denominated
    securities, mostly Treasuries."

    "China and India have separately announced they will set up investment funds,
    which are expected to direct money to other places other than US Treasury bills

    "Authorities have said the country (China) will diversify part of its foreign
    exchange reserves, which amounted to 1.02 trillion dollars by the end of March
    and are believed to be invested mainly in dollar bonds. "
    Cliff, May 14, 2007
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