Survey database + Microstation + Cross sections + Long sections

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by John Chugh, May 9, 2008.

  1. John Chugh

    John Chugh Guest

    I have created a database solution which allows to store surveyed points (in
    X,Y,RL,Code fornat) permanently and thus allows the reterival of survey
    information on demand at a later date. The Database can filter the stored
    information which can also be narrowed based on a selected point on CAD (in
    the current case Microstation).

    The surveyed information can be dumped on CAD from which a cross section /
    long section can be generated.

    I am beta testing the software and was wondering if some one is interested
    to send me the survey data which I will use to create cross sections and
    long sections.

    John Chugh
    John Chugh, May 9, 2008
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