Strange result with result

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Marcel Janmaat, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. I have a routine in wich I change the value of an attribute within a block.
    Strangely enough, sometimes the attribute is changed to "1:100" instead of
    1:100. (without the quotes) It doesn't always happen. Sometimes it does, and
    somtimes not. There is no logical explanation for it in my opinion. The code
    is called from a script file.

    Does this sound familliar to any one?

    I hope so, beceause I don'n't have a clue.

    Marcel Janmaat, Apr 1, 2005
  2. Marcel,

    It would be much easier for someone to help solve
    the problem if you could post the code in question.
    Jason Piercey, Apr 1, 2005
  3. Thanx Jason!

    But I think I've got it working now.

    In one case I had set a variable to "\"1:100\"" and in another case to
    "\(strcat \"1:\" \(rtos \(getvar \"dimscale\"\) 2 0\)\)"

    I moved the enclosure the \" outside the variable to the strcat. It seems to
    wor just fine now.

    See the << == in a part of the code below in case your interested;

    (if (/= pls "passend") ; als er geen vast formaat is geselecteerd...
    (if (> (length bnl) 1)
    (setq pls "\(strcat \"1:\" \(rtos \(getvar \"dimscale\"\) 2 0\)\)") ;
    schaal herleidt uit tekening conform dimscale
    ;(setq pls (strcat "\"" pls "\"")) << ==
    (setq pls "fit") ;(setq pls "\"fit\"") << ==

    ; StukHoofd Controleren
    (if (= shc "1")
    (if (> (length bnl) 1)
    (princ (strcat " \(c:shc\)\n" ; Stukhoofdcontrole bij meerdere
    " \(command \"zoom\" \"all\"\)\n" ; Naar limits uitzoomen
    " \(command \"qsave\"\)\n" ; Save toepassen om aanpassingen niet
    verloren te laten gaan
    ) bst
    ; Geen stukhoofdcontrole als er een deel van de huidige tekening wordt
    (if (and (equal wp1 (getvar "limmin")) (equal wp2 (getvar "limmax")))
    (princ (strcat " \(c:shc\)\n"
    " \(command \"zoom\" \"all\"\)\n"
    " \(command \"qsave\"\)\n"

    ) bst

    ; draworder instellen
    (princ " \(plt_ord '\(\"E_kgt\" \"E_wgt\" \"B_bwk\"\)\)\n" bst)
    (princ " \(command \"regen\")\n" bst) ; Regen altijd uitvoeren i.v.m.
    herindexatie plotorder!

    ; Eventueel bestaand plotbestand eerst verwijderen
    (princ " \(dos_delete bnm)\n" bst)
    ; Eventueel bestaand plotbestand eerst verwijderen

    (princ " \(setvar \"cmdecho\" 1)\n" bst)

    (princ " \(command \"plot\" " bst) ; plot commando
    (princ "\"y\" " bst) ; detailed plot
    configuration? [yes/No] <default>:
    (princ "\"\" " bst) ; Enter a layout name
    or [?] <default>:
    (princ "pln " bst) ; Enter an output
    devive name or [?] <default>:
    (princ "afm " bst) ; Enter paper size or
    [?] <default>:
    (princ "\"m\" " bst) ; Enter paper units
    [Inches/Millimeters <default>:
    (princ "rot " bst) ; Enter drawing
    orientation [Portrait/Landscape] <default>:
    (princ "usd " bst) ; Plot upside down?
    [Yes/No] <default>:
    (princ "\"w\" " bst) ; Enter plot area
    [Display/Extents/Limits/View/Window] <default>:
    (princ "wp1 " bst) ; Enter lower left
    corner of window <default>:
    (princ "wp2 " bst) ; Enter upper right
    corner of window <default>:
    (if (= pls "\(strcat \"1:\" \(rtos \(getvar \"dimscale\"\) 2 0\)\)") << ==
    (princ (strcat "" pls " ") bst) << ==
    (princ (strcat "\"" pls "\" ") bst) ; Enter plot scale
    (Plotted Millimeters=Drawing Units) or [Fit] <default>: << ==
    ) << ==
    (princ "plo " bst) ; Enter plot offset
    (x,y) or
    (princ "\"y\" " bst) ; Plot with plot
    styles? [Yes/No] <default>:
    (prin1 H_cadctb bst) ; Enter plot style
    table name or [?] (enter . for none) <default>:
    (princ " \"y\"\)\n" bst) ; Plot with
    lineweights? [Yes/No] <default>:
    (princ " \(if \(= \(getvar \"tilemode\"\) 1\) \(command " bst) ; Als
    er vanuit modelspace wordt geplot...
    (princ "\"n\"\) " bst) ; Remove hidden lines?
    [Yes/No] <default>:
    (princ "\(command " bst) ; Als er vanuit
    paperspace wordt geplot...
    (princ "\"n\" " bst) ; *paperspace* -> Scale
    lineweights with plot scale? [Yes/No] <default>:
    (princ "\"n\" " bst) ; *paperspace* -> Plot
    paper space last? [Yes/No] <default>:
    (princ "\"n\"\)\)\n" bst) ; Remove hidden lines?
    [Yes/No] <default>: (+ einde if statement)
    (princ " \(command \"y\" " bst) ; Write the plot to a
    file [Yes/No] <default>:
    (princ "bnm " bst) ; Enter file name
    (princ "\"y\" " bst) ; Save changes to model
    tab [Yes/No]? <default>:
    (princ "\"y\" \)\n" bst) ; Proceed with plot
    [Yes/No] <default>:​
    Marcel Janmaat, Apr 1, 2005
  4. Glad you got it working.
    Jason Piercey, Apr 1, 2005
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