
Discussion in 'Cadence' started by ecnedad, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. ecnedad

    ecnedad Guest

    Good day!

    I want to add a model file in my ocean script.
    I've used stimulusFile("./").
    But it returns error as follows:
    *Error* _asiSetStimulusFile: unrecognized keyword - ?xlate
    Even I don't indicate the option ?xlate for stimulusFile command, it
    returns error about ?xlate.
    Is there anyone encountered same problem?

    Hope anyone could help me.
    Thank you.
    ecnedad, Sep 23, 2010
  2. ecnedad

    ecnedad Guest

    In spectre, I can include multiple model files using modelFile()
    But in spectreS, it is not allowed to include multiple model files
    using includeFile() command.
    How can I indicate another model file in spectreS?
    Is it possible to include multiple model files in spectreS?

    Hope anyone can help me regarding this matter.
    Thank you and God bless!
    ecnedad, Sep 23, 2010
  3. ecnedad wrote, on 09/23/10 01:56:
    My guess (from your later post) is that you're using a socket interface (e.g.
    spectreS) and this function does not work with socket interfaces (and this is
    explained in the documentation).


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 26, 2010
  4. ecnedad wrote, on 09/23/10 06:40:
    Why are you using spectreS? It's been obsolete for over 10 years and has been
    removed in IC61. You should use the direct interface where possible (spectre).

    You can only include models via the path() statement, or by using includeFile()
    - in which case you only have a single file. To include multiple files you'd
    have to include a file which itself included other files.


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 26, 2010
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