Steel Tubing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by CAD Newbie, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. CAD Newbie

    CAD Newbie Guest

    I'm a SW Newbie and have some questions about building assemblies.

    I'm trying to attach two lengths of tubing at right angles to form a tee. I
    was hoping to use the Align tool but the button is grayed-out. I have two
    coincident pairs of edges already but the upright slides back and forth.

    CAD Newbie
    CAD Newbie, Apr 2, 2006
  2. CAD Newbie

    John Layne Guest


    I suggest you go through the SolidWorks Online Tutorial, that's built in to
    SolidWorks, regarding assembly mates. Mating 2 planes may solve your

    John Layne
    John Layne, Apr 2, 2006
  3. CAD Newbie

    John Layne Guest

    You should also go throught the tutorial on Weldments, Weldments are ideally
    suited to working with tubing.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Apr 2, 2006
  4. CAD Newbie

    CAD Newbie Guest

    Thanks John. This is way easier than my first approach.
    CAD Newbie, Apr 3, 2006
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