spectre alter from within ocean?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by danmc, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. danmc

    danmc Guest

    I can't seem to figure out how to access the spectre "alter" statement
    from within ocean. Is there a way? It would be really unfortunate if

    danmc, Jul 22, 2005
  2. danmc

    Erik Wanta Guest

    There is always a way. At first I used definitionFile() to load in a
    file with alter statements which works in spectre but not in ultrasim.
    I therefore switched to modelFile() to load in a file with alter
    statements which works in both spectre and ultrasim.


    An example alter include file is shown below. Note that in mmsim 6.0
    usr1 and higher one can vary subcircuit parameters with ultrasim (see
    sub= lines below).

    simulator lang=spectre
    alter0 alter param=a value=-1.4546
    alter1 alter param=b value=1.65504
    alter2 alter param=c value=1.38451
    alter3 alter param=e value=0.963143

    alter4 alter sub=I1.N2 param=e value=-0.93574
    alter5 alter sub=I1.N2 param=f value=1.04871
    Erik Wanta, Jul 23, 2005
  3. danmc

    danmc Guest

    hey, thats a neat trick. I guess I need to stick in my various
    analysis statements in there too. Thanks for the idea!

    danmc, Jul 24, 2005
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