specific dimensions?

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by eldon, Jan 29, 2005.

  1. eldon

    eldon Guest

    AS 9 - Is there a way to input a specific dimension while using the dimensions tool. I am creating simple home footprints, and need to place windows, etc on the sidewalls using predetermined measurements.
    eldon, Jan 29, 2005
  2. eldon

    Paul Jackson Guest

    Have you tried using Jump Snap [J].
    You can specify a percentage or distance from the end of an entity.


    dimensions tool. I am creating simple home footprints, and need to place
    windows, etc on the sidewalls using predetermined measurements.
    Paul Jackson, Jan 29, 2005
  3. eldon

    eldon Guest

    TY....it works great!
    eldon, Jan 29, 2005
  4. eldon

    Gadget Guest

    One way is to hit "W", click on a 'from' point, then hit "R" to bring up the relative position (ie 'to' point)

    What we do is use the 'offset' command to offset a parallel line to the face of the building and start at a corner: simply type in the distance, click, new distance, click {don't need to click back on the input box}

    Or you could draw a line that's roughly right, then change the length and angle in the 'interactive property bar' to be accurate.

    (Also make sure that the proper "snap" settings are on, and don't use "to grid" unless your sizes are all rounded numbers)
    Gadget, Feb 2, 2005
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