SOS! Silicon Ensemble "CONNECT RING" error

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by walala, Sep 14, 2003.

  1. walala

    walala Guest

    Dear all,

    I am using SE, when "CONNECT RING", accept the default options(i.e.,
    STRIPPE, BLOCK, IO PAD, IO PIN, FOLLOW PIN, etc)... then after long waiting,
    "Phase 2: 3 connections...", finally, it says "End routing with 3 opens..."
    and three CROSSES were red on my floor plan...

    I lowered down my utilization rate to 60% already... what else can I do to
    avoid this problem?

    Thanks a lot,

    walala, Sep 14, 2003
  2. walala

    walala Guest

    Also, final "verify connectivity" in SE gives 3 violation information:

    "NET: Vdd! and Gnd! have antenna..."

    What can I do to get rid of this problem?

    Thanks a lot,

    walala, Sep 15, 2003
  3. I am using SE, when "CONNECT RING", accept the default options(i.e.,

    I hate recommending reading the manuals, but I think this is what you
    should do. Try to find what all this commands (options) do, and to
    understand _why_ the errors arrive.

    Or at least use one option at the time, and check which is causing the

    Robert Szczygiel, Sep 15, 2003
  4. walala

    walala Guest

    Hi, Robert,

    Thank you for your answer.

    Yes, you are right. I should refer to manual... but manual cannot
    always help, right? That's why we are here...

    Talking about trial and error, I believe every learner did that. But
    what if your design need one night for each option you try and you
    need to try all the combination of the options and you have a timeline
    to beat?

    Alright, you say, take a small design then try. Yes, again, this is
    right. I am following a workflow tutorial. I also did some small
    design, e.g., 16 bit multiplier, ... for testing and studying. The
    strangest thing is that they all went well smoothly... when you need
    to work on large design overnight, they failed...

    I have also tried to "search and repair", but there still have
    thousands of violations when I "verify geometry"...

    So I am posting my SOS here to ask for your help, in case some of you
    went across similar problems before. I know I am not alone on this
    trial and error road... Let me claim! SOS! Help me!


    walala, Sep 15, 2003
  5. You are right now. But this is very difficult to unswer you
    questing without having a look at your layout and the generated
    warning. There could be 1000 of possible reasons for your routing
    problem. Blocked pins, bad block plecemnt, routing variables etc.
    finally fake warnings coming from the unclean cell definition.
    Unpossible to guess having your letter only.

    Well, I used to get number of errors when routing power. The majority of
    them were fake ones (coming from the bad library definition I guess).
    Looking at all the other, I think the most often I got two kinds of
    - spacing warnings caused by improper pin definitions in the blocks;
    This may happen if the pin of the block is not on the routing grid.
    - unroutable pins (either blocked, or routing parameters did not
    allowed to do the routing, or just the router was to stupid to do the

    Best regards,

    Robert Szczygiel, Sep 16, 2003
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