solidworks job-hood river, oregon

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kelvin, May 16, 2006.

  1. kelvin

    kelvin Guest

    Interested in working full-time, year round at a small, dynamic
    high-tech company in Hood River, OR? See for
    details on what we do, and what you would do.

    Hood River is about 55miles east of Portland, OR and is one of the
    finest communities and most beautiful places in the world.

    send your resume to:

    ksxsw2 at yah00.c0m

    don't copy/paste address, replace zeros with oh's in yahoo.
    kelvin, May 16, 2006
  2. kelvin

    Sporkman Guest

    Wow, I'll bet I've been through your town, and if that's so I can
    confirm that it's beautiful around there. Sure hope that it stays that
    way!! Think maybe you can say "pyroclastic flow" 10 times between and
    eruption and the time the scorching ash hits you at approximately 500
    mph? Man, I'd love to live there . . . but!
    Sporkman, May 20, 2006
  3. kelvin

    Bo Guest

    Good Luck. Might do some additional promotion in noting the
    windsurfing and mountain activities, but then I suspect most people who
    are 'up' already know.

    I grew up downriver in St. Helens, and my brother worked in Hood River
    for a few years in tech stuff. With his Phd in physics, he eventually
    wound up back in Beaverton.

    I'ld like to see a UAV work a low-level fly through the gorge. Now
    that ought to be a tour-de-force for all systems.

    Bo, May 20, 2006
  4. kelvin

    TOP Guest

    Does the Kestrel come as a kitt?
    TOP, May 21, 2006
  5. kelvin

    Sporkman Guest

    Is your question facetious, Paul? I think it must be, but I don't "get"
    the joke.
    Looks to me like the Kestrel is still in development, but naturally
    anything that can be fired from a mortar is rather unlikely to come in a
    kit. The requirement to survive shock/vibration stress almost certainly
    means that assembly has to be done under highly controlled conditions.
    We're not talking about a model airplane kit (decals, glue and dope
    included) here.
    Sporkman, May 22, 2006
  6. kelvin

    TOP Guest


    Maybe you're not old enough to remember Knight Rider.
    TOP, May 22, 2006
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