skill script to resolve resistor network?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Rajeswaran M, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. Rajeswaran M

    Rajeswaran M Guest

    Is there any skill script available to resolve series-parallel
    resistor combinations? What I need is I just want to select list of
    resistors in my schematics and press a bindkey and get the equivalent
    resistance. I dont want to do simulation since time is concern.
    Rajeswaran M, Apr 4, 2005
  2. I've written something like this for C++, but not for SKILL. If your
    resistor network can be subdivided into purely series and purely parallel
    sub-nets, then you can probably use a recursiv traversal of the subnets to
    compute the equivalent resistance. In the general case, a simple steady
    state simulation can be used to determine 'R'. If a voltage 'V' is applied
    to the terminals of the resistor network, the current 'I' can be used to
    compute the equivalent resistance as 'R=V/I'. This simulation involves
    using matrix algebra to solve a system of N equations and N unknowns,
    where N is the number of nets in the circuit. The worst case runtime is
    something like N^3 for the simplest algorithm, but can be as low as N^2
    for more complex algorithms that you would find in real simulators. You
    might be able to find a SKILL script somewhere that does this, but if not
    you can possibly put something together by doing a web search for "nodal
    analysis". Good luck.

    Frank E. Gennari, Apr 5, 2005
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