SKILL Q: Getting all model lib file sections??

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Bernd Fischer, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. Hi there,

    is there a way of getting all sections in a
    spectre model library file, without parsing the file?

    Something like:
    let( ( o_currentSession l_sections )
    o_currentSession = asiGetCurrentSession( )
    foreach( t_modelSection asiGetModelLibSelectionList( o_currentSession )
    l_sections = cons( asiGetModelLibSection( t_modelSection ) l_sections )

    But for all, not only for the active sections!?

    Thanks Bernd
    Bernd Fischer, Oct 13, 2006
  2. Hi Bernd,

    In IC5251 the section field on the model forms is now a combobox - so there is
    a drop down list of available section names in addition to be able to typing
    these in. The same is also in the upcoming IC610 release.

    However, the function to do this is a private function. That said, it's doing a
    very simple parse of the model file to look for section keywords - there was
    talk of using the SFE (simulator front end) that's in Spectre to do a more
    intelligent read of the file to uncover model sections.

    Clearly it has to parse the file at some point if it's going to offer a list of

    So, to summarize, there's no function to do this in IC5141 and before, and the
    function to do this in IC5251 onwards is private - and it's probably just as
    easy to parse the file yourself,


    Andrew Beckett, Oct 18, 2006
  3. I have seen some very creative use of the sections in a spectre model
    file and I would picture that the novice user will get pretty confused
    when he drops down that selection box unless cadence has done some
    extra work. How will the dialog react to reinclude the same model-file
    with other sections in use?

    I think it would be clever to introduce an additional keyword like
    "export" on those sections that are actually going to be used by the
    user. Otherwise he will be presented with a lot of intermediate
    sections that are just filled with parameters. (Depending on which
    foundry he is using)
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Oct 18, 2006
  4. Hi Svenn,

    At the moment all it does is look at all the sections in the file - it doesn't
    look at any included files within that file. That said, many model files include
    themselves - and so would end up with lots of lower-level choices, as you say.

    I think there is definitely merit in what you're suggesting here. The
    alternative is to use some kind of pragma since the simulator itself doesn't
    really care about this, so not sure it's worth extending the simulator syntax
    itself to cover this.


    Andrew Beckett, Oct 19, 2006
  5. Here it is.

    Cheers Bernd

    ;; File Name :
    ;; Function(s) : BFgetAllModelLibSections
    ;; Author : Bernd Fischer
    ;; Date : 10/19/2006
    ;; Version : 1.0
    ;; Application : DFII - Analog Environment
    ;; SW Release : Tested in 5.1.41
    ;; SKILL Lint : Passed
    ;; Global Variable(s) : None
    ;; Synopsis : BFgetAllModelLibSections( t_modelLibFile )
    ;; Description : BFgetAllModelLibSections is parsing a Spectre model
    ;; library file for all existing sections and is returning
    ;; a list of them.
    ;; Arguments : t_modelLibFile Spectre model library file
    ;; Return Value : l_allModelLibSections/nil
    ;; Example : BFgetAllModelLibSections( "/pathToLib/modelLib.scs" )
    ;; Modification : None

    procedure( BFgetAllModelLibSections( modelLibFile )
    let( ( p_inPort t_line l_allModelLibSections )

    if( isFile( modelLibFile ) then
    if( isReadable( modelLibFile ) then
    ;; reads file
    p_inPort = infile( modelLibFile )
    when( p_inPort
    while( gets( t_line p_inPort )
    when( rexMatchp( "^section" t_line )
    l_allModelLibSections = tconc(
    cadr( parseString( t_line ) )
    ) ;; close when rexMatchp
    ) ;; close while
    ) ;; close when p_inPort
    close( p_inPort )
    car( l_allModelLibSections )
    hiGetAttention( )
    warn( "File \"%s\" is not readable\n" modelLibFile )
    ) ;; close if isReadable
    hiGetAttention( )
    warn( "File \"%s\" does not exist\n" modelLibFile )
    ) ;; close if isFile

    ) ;; close let
    ) ;; close procedure
    Bernd Fischer, Oct 19, 2006
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