skill open layout

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Robin, Apr 30, 2010.

  1. Robin

    Robin Guest

    Hi all,

    I got a question I want to make a skill code that opens a layout view
    if it isn't open in a window yet. If its open already then focus it.
    But I can't get it working. Sorry I'm very new to skill.
    This is what I have:

    if(//Some function to check if the design is open//) then
    //put focus to window//
    deOpenCellView("myLibrary" "cellname" "layout" "maskLayout" nil

    So I'm missing some key ingredients. Can anybody help me or give ne a

    Thanks very much
    Robin, Apr 30, 2010
  2. Robin

    Marc Heise Guest

    Am 30.04.2010 11:40, schrieb Robin:
    Hi Robin,

    I don't have the time to complete your code, just some hints:

    ;get all open cellviews ("open" might also be in VM only)

    ;search with a foreach/setof through the cells to find the
    ;cell with the desired name
    ;search in cell cells if cell~>cellName=="TEST"

    ;get the windowID for the open cellview( don't forget to check if
    ;this is !=nil)

    ;raise the window or open new
    hiRaiseWindow(win) or else ....

    Marc Heise, Apr 30, 2010
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