[Skill] How to selectively assign waves to strips?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by spectrallypure, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. Hi all! I would like to know if it is possible, by using Skill/Ocean
    code, to plot several waveforms into the strips of a chart in a
    selective manner. For example, I currently use code like the

    ; ....
    selectResult( 'tran )
    ; ....

    which plots waveforms A, B, C, and D in a four-strip chart, each one
    in a different strip. How could I modify this code to plot, let's say,
    waveforms A and B in one strip, and waves C and D in another (within
    the same subwindow)?

    ....And what about plotting several waveforms in the same chart but
    assigning them to different axis? ...Is it possible to gain this level
    of control in the plotting of waveforms through Skill/Ocean in the
    first place (of course, considering it is possible to do it by hand!)?

    Thanks in advance for any ideas!


    spectrallypure, Mar 4, 2009
  2. spectrallypure wrote, on 03/04/09 12:39:

    This is supposed to work:

    plot(v("A") v("B") v("C") v("D") ?strip '(1 1 2 2))

    but with wavescan as the waveform tool in IC5141, it doesn't. It was also broken
    in IC613, but that's just been fixed.

    The CCR number is 544052 - and the fix is in and should also be in
    the next IC5141 hotfix ( I believe.

    The equivalent argument for setting y axis numbers is:

    plot(v("A") v("B") v("C") ?yNumber '(1 2 1))

    for example. But this is not supported in wavescan - I found a few references,
    but generally speaking the auto-axis assignment in wavescan does what people
    need (it was never very good in AWD) and so nobody seems to have really asked
    for ?yNumber to work with wavescan.

    If you need it, you should contact Cadence customer support.


    Andrew Beckett, Mar 4, 2009
  3. Thanks for your help, Andrew. Just one further curiosity... I was
    thinking maybe I can get around this by loading the plot settings from
    a Wavescan graph (.grf) file from my Skill code... Is it possibly to
    load a one such file using Skill?


    spectrallypure, Mar 4, 2009
  4. spectrallypure wrote, on 03/04/09 13:40:
    awvLoadWindow() will load a grf file.


    Andrew Beckett, Mar 4, 2009
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