setting working unit accuracy

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by natanz, Aug 2, 2007.

  1. natanz

    natanz Guest

    when i work, i like my working unit accuracy to be set pretty high.
    Is there a way for me to run some kind of macro at drawing startup
    (and every subsequent drawing startup) that sets the accuracy where i
    want it. I know that this is the kind of thing VBA is perfect for,
    but i have never done any microstation VBA, (though i have done VBA
    for excel, and Autocad) so some help from some of my more experienced
    colleagues would be great.
    if you can't help with the VBA approach, can anyone help me with the
    key-in that i could do manually that would do this.
    natanz, Aug 2, 2007
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