self intersection

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jaco, Aug 22, 2003.

  1. Jaco

    Jaco Guest

    Does anybody know if is there a property or method, or any other way, to check if it is possible to extrude one polyline or not? My intention was to write a routine wich could filter 2d polyline with a "self-intersection" ..
    Tanks, Jacopo Russo.

    The following code is the only way I have found, but it is not very smart..

    ;;; this function checks if any selected object has self-intersections
    ;;; trying to extract regions from the entities *JAC 2002*
    (defun C:SELFCHK ()
      (prompt "AutoInt Fuction Running *JAC 2002*")
      (command "_LAYER" "_NEW" "_autoint_chk_temp"
    "_MAKE" "_autoint_chk_temp"
      (command "_REGION" (setq selection (ssget)) "")

    (setq selection
    (ssget "p" '((-4 . "<NOT") (0 . "REGION") (-4 . "NOT>")))
      ;; select any object in previous selection sect, wich is not a region

    (command "_UNDO" "2")
      ;; undo creating new layer and extracting regions

    (if (not (= selection nil))
        ;; if any self intersection exists ...
        (progn ;; execute the following instructions:

    ;; loops trough the self-intersecting objects found and paint them with cyan "ink"
    (setq N1 0

    SSL (sslength selection)
    (while (< N1 SSL)
    (setq object (entget (ssname selection N1)))
    (paintobj object)
    (setq N1 (1+ N1))
    ;; while
    (prompt "\ntest copmplete")
    (prompt "\n")
    (prompt (itoa SSL))
    (prompt " Auto intersections found in selected objects.")
        ;; progn
      ;; if
      (if (= selection nil)
        ;; if no self intersection exists ...
        (progn ;; execute the following instructions:
    (prompt "\ntest copmplete")
    "\nNo Auto Intersection was found in selected objects."

    (defun paintobj (object / ink)
      ;; cambia colore a un oggetto
      (setq ink 4)

    (setq b3 (append object (list (cons 62 ink))))
      (entmod b3)
    Jaco, Aug 22, 2003
  2. Jaco,

    This does the same thing but with vlisp - from a suggestion in this newsgroup:

    ;;f:pline_intersects returns T if given a self-intersecting lwpolyline

    (defun f:pline_intersects (en / sa rg)
      (setq sa (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbObject '(0 . 0))
            sa (vlax-make-variant (vlax-safearray-fill sa (list (f:enx en))))
      (if (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq rg (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-addregion (list (fx:active_space) sa))))
        (if (wcmatch (strcase (vl-catch-all-error-message rg)) "*UNGÜLTIGE*") T)
        (vla-Delete (car (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value rg))))

    (defun fx:active_space ()
      (if (zerop (getvar "TILEMODE"))
        (vla-get-PaperSpace (fx:doc))
        (vla-get-ModelSpace (fx:doc))

    (defun f:enx (en)
      (if (= (type en) 'ENAME)
        (vlax-ename->vla-object en)

    You will need to modify "*UNGÜLTIGE*" to match the vl-catch-all-error-message of the language that you are working in.
    PeterSCiganek, Aug 25, 2003
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