Section view labels - Numbers instead of letters?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Is there a way to force sw to use numbers for section view labels
    rather than letters? I have looked for a way to change this behavior
    but have not been able to find anything. I realize I can change the
    labels after the view is created or during view creation but it would
    be nice to change the default behavior.

    Sam, Apr 19, 2007
  2. Sam

    fcsuper Guest

    I don't believe there is a method to do this without running a macro
    that some how knows which number to use each time you run it. Use of
    letters for details, sections, etc is ANSI standard, so I wouldn't
    expect SW to allow /support this special requirement.

    fcsuper, Apr 19, 2007
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