save tool settings?

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by caduser4, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. caduser4

    caduser4 Guest

    Is there a way to save my specific tool settings (i.e. when i click
    drop element, I want all of the boxes checked Complex, Dimensions,
    Line Strings, etc...). I don't want these settings to be saved to a
    specific drawing, I want these to remain checked whenever I open any
    file and after I close microstation.
    caduser4, Jun 13, 2007
  2. caduser4

    caduser4 Guest

    thanks Lorys, this is also what the support folks at Bentley
    suggested and I created a couple of macros with the tool settings I
    like. Coincidentally I created a macro almost exactly the same as
    this but I called it dropall. I also created one for the match tool
    that uses the match/change method called matchit. anyway, thanks
    again for your response.
    caduser4, Jun 14, 2007
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