Run a another lisp program inside a lisp program

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by larry, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. larry

    larry Guest

    SURE I THINK IT (c:lisp_command) IF IT'S define (defun c:lisp_command ())
    or if it's define (defun lisp_command ()) it will be (lisp_command)
    larry, Aug 20, 2004
  2. larry

    Paul Turvill Guest

    (defun C:BunchofCommandsandFunctions ( )
    ... etc
    Paul Turvill, Aug 20, 2004
  3. larry

    larry Guest

    after you load it, the command will be "save_drawline"

    (defun c:save_drawline ()

    (defun c:saveafter ()
    (command "qsave")
    (prompt "\n Your Drawing is now save")

    (defun line-draw (/ acadDocument mspace point1 point2 myLine)

    (setq acadDocument (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))

    (setq mspace (vla-get-modelspace acadDocument))

    (setq point1 (getpoint "Specify First Point: "))

    (setq point2 (getpoint "Specify next point: " point1))

    (setq myLine (vla-addline mspace (vlax-3d-point point1)(vlax-3d-point
    larry, Aug 20, 2004
  4. Is it possible to run several other lisp in the middle of a lisp program?
    Leonard Johnson, Aug 20, 2004
  5. larry

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Look again at my example. You can't use (command) with LISP functions, even
    if they are prefixed with C:. Replace
    (command "sync2")

    Beware, however, since the (defun ...) for your sync2 command is
    meaningless. It calls two non-existent functions, (m) and (2540). If you
    want to define a *function* that uses argumentss, try something like this,
    and do it *outside* of your main LISP routine:

    (defun sync2 arg1 arg2)
    (<<code here to process arguments)
    (passed to arg1 and arg2>>)
    );;end of defun

    then call sync2 with (for example)
    (sync2 "m" 2540)
    where the string "m" and the integer 2540 will be substituted for arg1 and
    arg2, respectively. Sorry I can't supply any better code for the sync2
    function, since I have absolutely no idea what it is you want to do with "m"
    and 2540.
    Paul Turvill, Aug 20, 2004
  6. how would that look in a actual program? I am new to Autolisp.
    Leonard Johnson, Aug 20, 2004
  7. It tells me my lisp routine is unknown? Here is what I have.

    (command "tilemode" "1")
    (command "xref" "d" "*")
    (command "tilemode" "0")
    (command "tilemode" "1")
    (command "erase" "all" "")
    (defun C:sync2 ( )
    (command "sync2" "m" "2540")
    (command "mpl2")
    (command "layer" "s" "lc_xref" "")
    (command "tilemode" "0")
    (command "xref" "a" "A0-FORMAT-PLAN.dwg" "0,0,0" "1" "" "0")
    (command "purge" "a" "*" "n")
    (command "purge" "a" "*" "n")
    (command "qs")
    Leonard Johnson, Aug 20, 2004
  8. Sorry I'm not completely following your code.

    Leonard Johnson, Aug 20, 2004
  9. larry

    ECCAD Guest

    Your sample code would look like this:

    (defun sync2 ( var1 var2 ); send in quoted strings
    (command var1 var2)
    ); end function

    (command "tilemode" "1")
    (command "xref" "d" "*")
    (command "tilemode" "0")
    (command "tilemode" "1")
    (command "erase" "all" "")
    ;(command "sync2" "m" "2540")
    (sync2 "m" "2540"); send sync2 function "m" and "2540"
    (command "mpl2")
    (command "layer" "s" "lc_xref" "")
    (command "tilemode" "0")
    (command "xref" "a" "A0-FORMAT-PLAN.dwg" "0,0,0" "1" "" "0")
    (command "purge" "a" "*" "n")
    (command "purge" "a" "*" "n")
    (command "qs")

    However, I don't understand what the "m" and "2540" are for, and this will probably crash.

    ECCAD, Aug 21, 2004
  10. the "m" is for it to select metric, and "2540" is the scale.
    Leonard Johnson, Aug 23, 2004
  11. The "m" is for the routine to select Metric, and "2540" is the scale.
    Leonard Johnson, Aug 23, 2004
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