RTL Compiler: loading of "schematics"

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Konx, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. Konx

    Konx Guest

    Hi everyone.

    I'm using RTL Compiler to synthesize some Verilog blocks. I can run RC without problems for a small block (I've tried a shift register).

    The problem is the following:

    I have a big block called Pixel. This block has a schematic view and is made of many sub-block: some of them are verilog others are schematic (they don't have a verilog description, they are custom made). In the Pixel-schematic every block is instantiated using its symbol view and connected with nets.

    What I want to do is to say to the RTL compiler that it has to take all theblocks in the Pixel that have a Verilog description and synthesize them.

    Is it possible? or is it necessary that I describe the connectivity of the verilog blocks in a top-level verilog and then synthesize it directly?

    I hope the problem it is clear,

    thanks for any helps,

    Konx, Jun 17, 2011
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