Root-locus plot

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Samiran Dam, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. Samiran Dam

    Samiran Dam Guest

    Dear all,

    I want to obtain a root-locus plot in cadence. Basically, in a batch
    simulations, through OCEAN script I am trying to vary the component
    values and do a pzPlot( ) to achieve this...but in every iteration, a
    new plot window is overriding the previous one, so I am not getting
    the locus. Is there any better way to obtain this?

    Samiran Dam, Jun 15, 2010
  2. Samiran Dam wrote, on 06/15/10 14:08:

    Call newWindow() before each pzPlot() call?


    Andrew Beckett, Jul 12, 2010
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