right click menu's in R14

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by AHILL, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. AHILL

    AHILL Guest

    Is there any way to customize R14 so that the right button accesses menu's when a command is active... mostly looking for the options to the pline command.


    AHILL, Jan 21, 2004
  2. AHILL

    ECCAD Guest

    You could add to **POP0 menu (shift + right-click).
    Like so:
    // Shift-right-click
    [&Object Snap Cursor Menu]
    ID_Arc [&Arc]A
    ID_Close [&Close]C
    ID_HalfWdth [&Halfwidth]H
    ID_Length [&Length]L
    ID_Undo [&Undo]U
    ID_Width [&Width]W
    ID_Tracking [Trac&king]_tracking
    ID_From [&From]_from
    ID_MnPointFi [->Point Fi&lters]
    ID_PointFilx [.X].X
    ID_PointFily [.Y].Y
    ID_PointFilz [.Z].Z
    ID_PointFixy [.XY].XY
    ID_PointFixz [.XZ].XZ
    ID_PointFiyz [<-.YZ].YZ
    ID_OsnapEndp [&Endpoint]_endp
    ID_OsnapMidp [&Midpoint]_mid
    ID_OsnapInte [&Intersection]_int
    ID_OsnapAppa [&Apparent Intersect]_appint
    ID_OsnapCent [&Center]_cen
    ID_OsnapQuad [&Quadrant]_qua
    ID_OsnapTang [&Tangent]_tan
    ID_OsnapPerp [&Perpendicular]_per
    ID_OsnapNode [No&de]_nod
    ID_OsnapInse [In&sert]_ins
    ID_OsnapNear [Nea&rest]_nea
    ID_OsnapNone [&None]_non
    ID_Osnap [&Osnap Settings...]'_osnap

    ECCAD, Jan 21, 2004
  3. AHILL

    AHILL Guest

    thanks Bob-

    I checked my mnu file and it was the same as you showed (except:
    ID_Arc [&Arc]A
    ID_Close [&Close]C
    ID_HalfWdth [&Halfwidth]H
    ID_Length [&Length]L
    ID_Undo [&Undo]U
    ID_Width [&Width]W
    but when I added this info nothing happened!
    Perhaps I need to edit under POP7:Draw?
    please advise!

    thanks again-
    AHILL, Jan 21, 2004
  4. R14 Does not support context sensitive menus - That feature did not come out
    until the R2000 version of ACAD. *POP0 is not context sensitive, but always
    available when using a mouse button combination (Like Shift+Rclick)
    Phil Kenewell, Jan 21, 2004
  5. AHILL

    ECCAD Guest

    Edit the .mnu file, then do a menuunload / replace all / and select the .mnu file. Load it to 'recompile' the menu. (R14).
    The 'new' stuff should show up when right-clicking.
    ECCAD, Jan 21, 2004
  6. AHILL

    AHILL Guest

    Got it working.... is there a way to access the secondary menu (second point....) or is this asking too much?

    AHILL, Jan 22, 2004
  7. AHILL

    ECCAD Guest

    I'm not sure what you want here, but it seems to me, that just picking the (second point..) would be just (1) click (at that point), and Shift+RtClick + (getpoint) would just be more clicking ?
    How do you want to make it work ?
    ECCAD, Jan 22, 2004
  8. AHILL

    AHILL Guest

    I would like to begin the pline command, right (or shift+rightclick) to access the arc, halfwidth (this I have accomplished) now once in, say the arc option, I would like to either right click or shift+rightclick to access the secondary options that pertain to the arc (ie. angle/ center/ halfwidth/ second point...etc)

    does this help clarify?
    thanks again-
    AHILL, Jan 22, 2004
  9. AHILL

    ECCAD Guest

    // Shift-right-click
    [&Object Snap Cursor Menu]
    ID_Arc [&Arc]A
    ID_ArcOpt [->Arc &Options]
    [<- Second Point]S
    ID_Close [&Close]C
    ID_HalfWdth [&Halfwidth]H
    ID_Length [&Length]L
    ID_Undo [&Undo]U
    ID_Width [&Width]W
    ID_Tracking [Trac&king]_tracking
    ID_From [&From]_from
    ID_MnPointFi [->Point Fi&lters]​
    ECCAD, Jan 22, 2004
  10. AHILL

    ECCAD Guest

    ECCAD, Jan 22, 2004
  11. AHILL

    AHILL Guest


    this works great!

    thanks for all the help!

    AHILL, Jan 22, 2004
  12. AHILL

    ECCAD Guest

    ECCAD, Jan 22, 2004
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