RHEL6 support?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Tarek, May 20, 2011.

  1. Tarek

    Tarek Guest


    The "Cadence Platform Support Roadmap 2009 - 2012" notes that in 2011
    RHEL6 will be supported. Is this currently in effect? Have any end-
    users on this newsgroup worked with RHEL6 and any of the tools,
    specifically IC615, MMSIM101, EXT91, ASSURA41?
    Tarek, May 20, 2011
  2. Tarek wrote, on 05/20/11 20:45:
    It actually means for any new releases released in 2011. It does not mean that
    we will retrofit support for existing releases. So the releases you list all
    came out before 2011, and hence do not have RHEL6 support.

    I have seen some reports of issues with RHEL6, and in those cases customers have
    reverted back to RHEl5, but have not tried it myself yet.


    Andrew Beckett, Jun 1, 2011
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