Return In Dimension

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by HARMLESS, Feb 15, 2005.


    jpmiller1000 Guest

    I think the code your looking for is \p
    When entered into the suffix field in a dimension it will force a carriage return..

    jpmiller1000, Mar 8, 2005

    Harvey Guest


    Can you be more specific? What or where is the "suffix field" you mention?

    So far I've only been able to do this by exploding the dimension, the
    procedure that Gadget mentioned early on, unsatisfactory at best.
    Harvey, Mar 8, 2005

    Gadget Guest

    Can you be more specific? What or where is the "suffix field" you
    I /think/ he is referring to the top "label" bar - that's the only place I have found that you can customise the suffix - the standard units are hard-coded as far as I can see.
    (And /p or \p does not work to insert a paragraph break there.)
    (And trying to use the <%xxx> formulas dosn't work either - any time it sees an <> it inserts the dimension, no matter the text inbetween)
    Gadget, Mar 9, 2005
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