Replacing an item in a list

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Marcel Janmaat, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. and a new entry just for grins...
    I know T.T. replace_nth


    Let me write a function comparable with Doug's replacenth:

    (defun ALE_SubstNth_NoNil (NthPos NewItm In_Lst /
    InRLst LstLng OldItm)
    (if (> (setq LstLng (- (length In_Lst) (1+ NthPos))) -1)
    (setq OldItm (nth NthPos In_Lst) InRLst (reverse In_Lst))
    (length (setq InRLst (cdr (member OldItm InRLst))))
    (length (setq In_Lst (cdr (member OldItm In_Lst))))
    (append (reverse InRLst) (list NewItm) In_Lst)

    my results (on my laptop P266-A2k4) are:

    Comando: (progn
    (_> (gc)(gc)
    (_> (setq i 0 Lst nil)
    (_> (repeat 256 (setq Lst (cons (cons i (chr i)) Lst) i (1+ i)))
    (_> (setq Lst (reverse Lst) Item (cons Pos "TEST")
    ((_> Pos 1
    ((_> )
    (_> (timer '(replacenth Pos Item Lst) 10000 nil)
    (_> (timer '(ALE_SubstNth_NoNil Pos Item Lst) 10000 nil)
    (_> (timer '(ALE_Subst_Nth Pos Item Lst (reverse lst)) 10000 nil)
    (_> )

    REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 0.41 secs.
    ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.64 secs.
    ALE_SUBST_NTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.69 secs.

    Comando: (progn
    (_> (gc)(gc)
    (_> (setq i 0 Lst nil)
    (_> (repeat 256 (setq Lst (cons (cons i (chr i)) Lst) i (1+ i)))
    (_> (setq Lst (reverse Lst) Item (cons Pos "TEST")
    ((_> Pos 128
    ((_> )
    (_> (timer '(replacenth Pos Item Lst) 10000 nil)
    (_> (timer '(ALE_SubstNth_NoNil Pos Item Lst) 10000 nil)
    (_> (timer '(ALE_Subst_Nth Pos Item Lst (reverse lst)) 10000 nil)
    (_> )

    REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 2.18 secs.
    ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.76 secs.
    ALE_SUBST_NTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.82 secs.

    Comando: (progn
    (_> (gc)(gc)
    (_> (setq i 0 Lst nil)
    (_> (repeat 256 (setq Lst (cons (cons i (chr i)) Lst) i (1+ i)))
    (_> (setq Lst (reverse Lst) Item (cons Pos "TEST")
    ((_> Pos 255
    ((_> )
    (_> (timer '(replacenth Pos Item Lst) 10000 nil)
    (_> (timer '(ALE_SubstNth_NoNil Pos Item Lst) 10000 nil)
    (_> (timer '(ALE_Subst_Nth Pos Item Lst (reverse lst)) 10000 nil)
    (_> )

    REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 4.05 secs.
    ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.94 secs.
    ALE_SUBST_NTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 2.02 secs.


    Marc'Antonio Alessi
    (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.")

    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Dec 18, 2004
  2. If you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you refrained
    from volunteering contributions here that include code
    that is written, based on, or 'inspired' by myself.
    Tony Tanzillo, Dec 19, 2004
  3. I'm pretty sure that was pre-visual LISP, and you'll find
    that while they're generally superior in terms of performance,
    recursive solutions had significant limitations in the old
    AutoLISP, which was not properly tail-recursive and had
    a limited and fixed stack size.

    Since I don't use any form of LISP for serious development
    work any longer, especially when performance is even
    remotely relevant, these LISP performance comparisons
    we see here occasionally, seem a bit silly to me nowadays :)
    Tony Tanzillo, Dec 19, 2004
  4. ....
    I wrote "only for maniac"...



    Marc'Antonio Alessi
    (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.")

    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Dec 19, 2004
  5. Marcel Janmaat

    John Uhden Guest

    Well Doug's code is about as neanderthal as you can get. Without testing I'll
    bet that it would have been boss in 1999 and earlier, and in spite of your
    Grinch attitude I sincerely wish you a healthy, happy Christmas and many
    rewarding New Years to come.

    My apologies. Marco. Your code is very clever. Thanks and Merry Christmas.
    John Uhden, Dec 19, 2004
  6. Wel're all code maniacs, its just a question of means
    and limitations.
    Tony Tanzillo, Dec 19, 2004
  7. Thanks John,

    and Merry Christmas from Italy to you and your family.

    "Auguri di Buone Feste a tutti."


    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Dec 19, 2004
  8. Marcel Janmaat

    John Uhden Guest


    I'm not sure what's happening, but my relative times for replacenth are much
    lower. What's that laptop? What's your OS?
    John Uhden, Dec 19, 2004
  9. Marcel Janmaat

    Doug Broad Guest

    Hi John,
    Thanks for the compliments. In general, recursive routines use
    more overhead and operate slower than iterative routines. My
    routine is no exception. An optimal routine would probably
    do different things depending on the position of the item in the list.
    and it would be iterative. I was just having fun.

    In the timings mine performs best at the beginning of the list (for
    obvious reasons) while Marco's performs best when the item to
    be replaced has an index larger than the list. Juerg's performs
    consistently independed of the position.

    Of the programs posted Marco's averages fastest but if long lists
    were expected regularly, a program could probably be written
    to beat it. For instance, if the index is past the middle of the list,
    one could work backwards. The average timing could then
    be approximately the time it takes to get through one fourth the

    Merry Christmas.

    My timings with your timer:
    Pos 1
    REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 1000 iterations: 0.06 secs.
    ALE_SUBST_NTH : Elapsed time for 1000 iterations: 0.22 secs.
    MEEDITLIST : Elapsed time for 1000 iterations: 0.41 secs.
    Pos 128
    REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 1000 iterations: 0.31 secs.
    ALE_SUBST_NTH : Elapsed time for 1000 iterations: 0.23 secs.
    MEEDITLIST : Elapsed time for 1000 iterations: 0.41 secs.
    pos 256
    REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 1000 iterations: 0.59 secs.
    ALE_SUBST_NTH : Elapsed time for 1000 iterations: 0.08 secs.
    MEEDITLIST : Elapsed time for 1000 iterations: 0.41 secs.
    Doug Broad, Dec 20, 2004
  10. Marcel Janmaat

    John Uhden Guest

    But, Doug. Running most any version of R15+ on this <now> old PIII/1.2/Win2K
    laptop yields faster times for yours than the others, even if the Pos is near
    the length of the list. Might it be my flavor... Map/LDD?

    BTW, hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a healthy Happy New Year to
    John Uhden, Dec 20, 2004
  11. I'm not sure what's happening, but my relative times for replacenth are
    OS: XP Pro Sp2

    P266 - 512Mb Ram

    A2k2 - no Express Tools, (atoms-family 1) > length = 734


    Marc'Antonio Alessi
    (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.")

    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Dec 20, 2004
  12. In the timings mine performs best at the beginning of the list (for

    I think that most important differences are the followings:

    All the functions that use 'mapcar', 'foreach', ...:
    - "scan" all the list
    - each pass a new list is build

    Your recursive and replace-element-in-list ('while'):
    - "scan" the list only index times
    - each pass a new list is build

    My ALE_Subst_Nth:
    - do not "scan" the list directly but let 'member' "scan" the list
    - the two 'while' loops works only if in the list there are double
    elements (very rare case)
    - normally only three lists are build

    If we wont optimize the "scan until" method for long list and
    high index value this is a new approach:

    (defun ALE_SubstNth_NoRmv (NthPos NewItm In_Lst / LstLng SttLst)
    ( (> (/ (setq LstLng (length In_Lst)) 2) NthPos)
    (repeat NthPos
    SttLst (cons (car In_Lst) SttLst)
    In_Lst (cdr In_Lst)
    (append (reverse SttLst) (cons NewItm (cdr In_Lst)))
    ( (> (1+ NthPos) LstLng) In_Lst )
    ( T
    (setq In_Lst (reverse In_Lst))
    (repeat (1- (- LstLng NthPos))
    SttLst (cons (car In_Lst) SttLst)
    In_Lst (cdr In_Lst)
    (append (reverse (cdr In_Lst)) (cons NewItm SttLst))

    (setq i 0 Lst nil)
    (repeat 10000 (setq Lst (cons (cons i (chr i)) Lst) i (1+ i)))
    Lst (reverse Lst)
    Pos 10 ; see below
    Item (cons Pos "TEST")
    (timer '(replacenth Pos Item Lst) 100 nil)
    (timer '(ALE_SubstNth_NoNil Pos Item Lst) 100 nil)
    (timer '(ALE_SubstNth_NoRmv Pos Item Lst) 100 nil)

    ; Pos = 10
    ; REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.01 secs.
    ; ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.55 secs.
    ; ALE_SUBSTNTH_NORMV : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.17 secs.

    ; Pos = 4999
    ; REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.74 secs.
    ; ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.65 secs.
    ; ALE_SUBSTNTH_NORMV : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.82 secs.

    ; Pos = 8000
    ; REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 1.19 secs.
    ; ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.71 secs.
    ; ALE_SUBSTNTH_NORMV : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.70 secs.

    ; Pos = 9999
    ; REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 1.61 secs.
    ; ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.83 secs.
    ; ALE_SUBSTNTH_NORMV : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.61 secs.


    Marc'Antonio Alessi
    (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.")

    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Dec 20, 2004
  13. If we want optimize the recursive method for long list and
    high index value this is a new approach:

    (defun ALE_SubstNth_Rec (NthPos NewItm In_Lst)
    (if In_Lst
    (if (> (/ (setq LstLng (length In_Lst)) 2) NthPos)
    (ALE_SubstNth_Rec_Aux NthPos NewItm In_Lst)
    (if (>= LstLng (1- NthPos))
    (- LstLng NthPos -1) NewItm (reverse In_Lst)

    (defun ALE_SubstNth_Rec_Aux (NthPos NewItm In_Lst)
    (if (zerop NthPos)
    (cons NewItm (cdr In_Lst))
    (car In_Lst)
    (ALE_SubstNth_Rec_Aux (1- NthPos) NewItm (cdr In_Lst))

    (setq i 0 Lst nil Ntimes 200)
    (repeat Ntimes (setq Lst (cons (cons i (chr i)) Lst) i (1+ i)))
    (setq Lst (reverse Lst) Pos Ntimes Item (cons Pos "TEST"))
    (repeat 9
    (princ ";Pos: ") (princ Pos)
    (timer '(replacenth Pos Item Lst) 10000 nil)
    (timer '(ALE_SubstNth_NoNil Pos Item Lst) 10000 nil)
    (timer '(ALE_SubstNth_Rec Pos Item Lst) 10000 nil)
    (princ "\n")
    (setq Pos (- Pos (/ Ntimes 8)))

    ;Pos: 200
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 3.33 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 0.61 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 0.92 secs.
    ;Pos: 175
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 3.01 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.61 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.27 secs.
    ;Pos: 150
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 2.67 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.5 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.61 secs.
    ;Pos: 125
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 2.3 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.47 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.97 secs.
    ;Pos: 100
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.95 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.45 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 2.29 secs.
    ;Pos: 75
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.61 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.41 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.6 secs.
    ;Pos: 50
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.28 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.36 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.27 secs.
    ;Pos: 25
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 0.91 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.35 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 0.93 secs.
    ;Pos: 0
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 0.56 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 1.31 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 10000 iterations: 0.59 secs.

    (setq i 0 Lst nil Ntimes 10000)
    (repeat Ntimes (setq Lst (cons (cons i (chr i)) Lst) i (1+ i)))
    (setq Lst (reverse Lst) Pos Ntimes Item (cons Pos "TEST"))
    (repeat 9
    (princ ";Pos: ") (princ Pos)
    (timer '(replacenth Pos Item Lst) 100 nil)
    (timer '(ALE_SubstNth_NoNil Pos Item Lst) 100 nil)
    (timer '(ALE_SubstNth_Rec Pos Item Lst) 100 nil)
    (princ "\n")
    (setq Pos (- Pos (/ Ntimes 8)))

    ;Pos: 10000
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 1.47 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.01 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.34 secs.
    ;Pos: 8750
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 1.29 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.72 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.51 secs.
    ;Pos: 7500
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 1.12 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.66 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.7 secs.
    ;Pos: 6250
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.93 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.65 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.87 secs.
    ;Pos: 5000
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.75 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.63 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 1.08 secs.
    ;Pos: 3750
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.55 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.6 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.56 secs.
    ;Pos: 2500
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.36 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.58 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.38 secs.
    ;Pos: 1250
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.17 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.55 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.2 secs.
    ;Pos: 0
    ;REPLACENTH : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_NONIL : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.54 secs.
    ;ALE_SUBSTNTH_REC : Elapsed time for 100 iterations: 0.01 secs.


    Marc'Antonio Alessi
    (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.")

    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Dec 20, 2004
  14. For comparision, this is how it would be done in Common Lisp:

    (setf (nth 3 lst) "6")

    Martti Halminen, Dec 20, 2004
  15. Marcel Janmaat

    Doug Broad Guest

    Thanks Martti,

    A very sensible approach.

    Doug Broad, Dec 20, 2004
  16. That's one way, but in Auto/Visual LISP, LISTS are often used
    for lack of any other built-in way to do indexed access to data
    (e.g. vectors and matrices).

    So, while (setf) would work if you were using lists to store data,
    Common LISP's native support for indexed data access (vectors,
    arrays, etc.), might be more well suited.

    Interestingly, I've not seen anyone put forth a solution that uses
    Windows/OLE SafeArrays, which could easily be faster than any
    of these depending on the applicaiton.
    Tony Tanzillo, Dec 20, 2004
  17. Marcel Janmaat

    Doug Broad Guest


    In theory, it could be faster. It certainly would be simple with VBA.
    But converting the data back and forth from safearrays would seem
    likely to kill any gains in efficiency. Why don't you post one? I
    would enjoy seeing one. Including the conversion times and
    depending on the size of the lists and the index position, I would
    imagine it might be 10-20 times slower.

    This is my poor stab at it:

    (defun replacesa (ndx item lst / sa)
    (if (<= 0 ndx (length lst))
    (setq sa (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbvariant (cons 0 (1-(length lst)))))
    (vlax-safearray-fill sa lst)
    (vlax-safearray-put-element sa ndx item)
    (mapcar 'variant-value (vlax-safearray->list sa)))

    Doug Broad, Dec 20, 2004
  18. Convert the data back and forth ?

    Depends on what purpose the list whose elements are
    being replaced is being used for to start with.

    E.g., is it being used as an 'array' of sorts? If so, then
    one may be able to ditch the entire concept of using
    lists and just use safearrays instead, and there's no back
    and forth.
    Tony Tanzillo, Dec 20, 2004
  19. Doug,

    I tried your replacesa but there is a problem
    with some kind of lists (see below).



    Marc'Antonio Alessi
    (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.")


    Comando: (setq lst '("A" "B" "C" "D"))
    ("A" "B" "C" "D")

    Comando: (replacesa 2 9999 Lst)
    ("A" "B" 9999 "D")

    Comando: (setq lst '(0 1 2 3 ))
    (0 1 2 3)

    Comando: (replacesa 2 9999 Lst)
    (0 1 9999 3)

    Comando: (setq lst '((0 . "A") (1 . "B") (2 . "C") (3 . "D")))
    ((0 . "A") (1 . "B") (2 . "C") (3 . "D"))

    Comando: (replacesa 2 9999 Lst)
    Traccia all'indietro:
    [0.56] (VL-BT)
    [1.52] (ERRDUMP "vlax-safearray-fill non riuscito. Elenco di
    non valido. #<safearray...> ((0 . \"A\") (1 . \"B\") (2 . \"C\") (3 .
    [2.47] (_call-err-hook #<SUBR @0334f3ac ERRDUMP> "vlax-safearray-fill non
    riuscito. Elenco di inizializzazione non valido. #<safearray...> ((0 .
    (1 . \"B\") (2 . \"C\") (3 . \"D\"))")
    [3.41] (sys-error "vlax-safearray-fill non riuscito. Elenco di
    non valido. #<safearray...> ((0 . \"A\") (1 . \"B\") (2 . \"C\") (3 .
    :ERROR-BREAK.36 nil
    [4.33] (#<SUBR @02a5c03c safearray-fill> #<safearray...> ((0 . "A") (1 .
    (2 . "C") (3 . "D")))
    [5.28] (vlax-safearray-fill #<safearray...> ((0 . "A") (1 . "B") (2 . "C")
    (3 .
    [6.22] (REPLACESA 2 9999 ((0 . "A") (1 . "B") (2 . "C") (3 . "D")))
    [7.15] (#<SUBR @036f3a78 -rts_top->)
    [8.12] (#<SUBR @02b32334 veval-str-body> "(replacesa 2 9999 Lst)" T #<FILE
    :ARQ-SUBR-CALLBACK.3 (nil 0)
    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Dec 21, 2004
  20. Yes, then it gets really complicated:

    (setf (aref array 2) "6")

    Interesting idea, I'll have to try this next time when I start cursing
    VisualLisp's lack of arrays...

    Martti Halminen, Dec 21, 2004
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