Replacing an item in a list with another

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Danv., Dec 13, 2004.

  1. Danv.

    CAB2k Guest

    I did make a mistake in the call to my code. Sorry.
    Here are the corrected times.

    Elapsed time: 0.041000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.030000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.030000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.030000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.030000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.030000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.030000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.030000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.030000 seconds
    CAB2k, Dec 15, 2004
  2. Danv.

    BillZ Guest

    Maybe mine just looks cooler then. :)

    Try timing this version (which I was going to post if it was what Dan wanted.

    ;;12/15/04 Bill Zondlo
    ;;Program to merge like items from one assoc list to another.
    ;;l1, l2 = assoc lists of matched length and items to swap.
    ;;Aitm = assoc item number to replace. i.e.
    ;; lst1 = ((1 . "") (2 . "K") (1 . "") (5 . "ff") (1 . ""))
    ;; lst2 = ((1 . "A") (2 . "Not This") (1 . "Door") (5 . "Or This") (1 . "all internal doors"))
    ;;(swaplists lst1 lst2 1) will return ((1 . "A") (2 . "K") (1 . "Door") (5 . "ff") (1 . "all internal doors"))
    (defun SwapLists (l1 l2 Aitm)
    '(lambda (a b)(if (= (car a) Aitm)(subst b a (list a))(list a))
    l1 l2)
    ) ;end defun

    BillZ, Dec 15, 2004
  3. Danv.

    Doug Broad Guest

    Bill here is your code example:
    lst new))

    Where did Bill post that example?
    I can't find it in earlier in this thread.

    The only thing I can find that he posted was:
    Which doesn't make any sense whatsoever in solving the problem.
    Doug Broad, Dec 15, 2004
  4. Danv.

    CAB2k Guest

    Here you go.

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.041000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.050000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.040000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.050000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.050000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.051000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.041000 seconds

    Command: timer
    Elapsed time: 0.051000 seconds
    CAB2k, Dec 15, 2004
  5. Danv.

    BillZ Guest

    Well you got me.

    I guess the mapcar thing evaluates each item from each list where the foreach only does one.
    I think the real difference is the append at the end that takes the time. Ant the fact that I "list" each item. I'll have to work with it some more.
    Still looks cooler. :)


    BillZ, Dec 15, 2004
  6. Danv.

    Doug Broad Guest

    That would require both lists to have a 1 for 1 mapping as to
    number of elements. It also seems far from efficient. Instead
    consider this

    (defun SwapLists (l1 l2 Aitm)
    '(lambda (a b)(if (= (car a) Aitm) b a)
    l1 l2)
    ) ;end defun

    Which should do the same as yours but without all the clutter.
    Does yours do something else that I can't see?
    Doug Broad, Dec 15, 2004
  7. Danv.

    Doug Broad Guest

    Wow. That is wild. The post I see ends with
    Very strange. Anne is something going on?
    Doug Broad, Dec 15, 2004
  8. Danv.

    CAB2k Guest

    2 or 3 post after that one.
    Reply From: BillZ
    Date: Dec/15/04 - 06:56 (EST)

    Re: Replacing an item in a list with another
    Sorry i missed your reply.
    If the answer is yes then how would I do it?<<<

    It would depend on the structure of the 2 lists.

    Are they the same length?
    Are the assoc 1's in the same order and the same quantity in each list.

    A sample of each list would be most helpful.

    If the lists are the same length and the assoc 1's are located in the same location in each list then:

    Command: (setq lt1 '((1 . "")(2 . "K")(1 . "")(5 . "ff")(1 . "")))
    ((1 . "") (2 . "K") (1 . "") (5 . "ff") (1 . ""))

    Command: (setq lt2 '((1 . "A")(2 . "Not This")(1 . "Door")(5 . "OR This")(1 .
    "all internal doors")))
    ((1 . "A") (2 . "Not This") (1 . "Door") (5 . "OR This") (1 . "all internal

    Command: (setq lt3 (apply 'append (mapcar '(lambda (a b)(if (= (car a) 1)(subst
    b a (list a))(list a))) lt1 lt2)))
    ((1 . "A") (2 . "K") (1 . "Door") (5 . "ff") (1 . "all internal doors"))

    CAB2k, Dec 15, 2004
  9. Danv.

    CAB2k Guest

    Definitely looks cooler. :)

    I love the brevity of it too. I can take the mapcar lambda apart now but
    still have trouble building them.
    CAB2k, Dec 15, 2004
  10. Danv.

    BillZ Guest

    Maybe you need to reload that post as I had edited it once.

    BillZ, Dec 15, 2004
  11. Danv.

    Doug Broad Guest

    Hi Bill,

    I unsubscribed from the newsgroup and redownloaded all the
    posts before I mentioned that I couldn't see your second code
    solution. I don't think it exists any longer, unless it is as an
    attachment that is only accessible on the web side. Strange.

    In any case, Mapcar is a good approach if the lists can be
    mapped. ;-)

    Using OE
    Doug Broad, Dec 15, 2004
  12. Danv.

    BillZ Guest

    Once again your expertise has once again triumphed.

    I would have gotten it eventually. :)


    BillZ, Dec 15, 2004
  13. Danv.

    BillZ Guest

    I had to run this now 5000 times just to get a reading.

    Elapsed time: 0.015000 seconds

    Woo Woooo

    BillZ, Dec 15, 2004
  14. Danv.

    BillZ Guest

    Oh yeah,

    And thanks for the time.

    I hope it keeps me out of trouble from now on. :)

    BillZ, Dec 15, 2004
  15. Danv.

    BillZ Guest

    Oh yeah,

    And thanks for the timer.

    I hope it keeps me out of trouble from now on. :)

    BillZ, Dec 15, 2004
  16. Danv.

    Danv. Guest

    Thanks Bill and CAB2k for your efforts. I will take a look at both codes.
    Danv., Dec 17, 2004
  17. Danv.

    BillZ Guest

    You're welcome,

    Just in case you get lost in the thread, it's Doug Broad that gleaned the best one.

    (defun SwapLists (l1 l2 Aitm)
    '(lambda (a b)(if (= (car a) Aitm) b a)
    l1 l2)
    ) ;end defun

    BillZ, Dec 17, 2004
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