Removing 1 item from a dynamic array?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pkirill, Apr 22, 2004.

  1. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    Can anyone show me an example of how to remove a single item from an array?
    For example, if I have added items to an array to get this:


    and I need to remove item3 so the array now consists of this:


    The catch being that I wouldn't know an exact number or index position - all
    I have is partial text string to match. So in this example I would be
    using: Like "*3" somewhere... right?

    This ties into my earlier question about identifying the total number of
    items in a dynamic array...
    pkirill, Apr 22, 2004
  2. pkirill

    David Urban Guest

    The way I have done it in the past is to swap items 3 and 5 then do a
    redim preserve array(4). I don't know of a better way. if it were a
    listbox then you could just do a
    x = me.ListBox1.ListIndex
    listbox1.removeitem x

    If there is a better way for an array I would like to know.

    David Urban
    David Urban, Apr 22, 2004
  3. pkirill

    Mark Propst Guest

    my opinion: abandon arrays, use collections

    Mark Propst, Apr 22, 2004
  4. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    I'd be happy to - after reading your other reply it sounds like a much
    easier option. Unfortunately for me, I know less about creating a
    collection than I do an array! I thought collections were built in - I did
    not know you could make your own. Or can you? Could you toss out an
    pkirill, Apr 22, 2004
  5. pkirill

    Mark Propst Guest

    Sub TestCollection()
    Dim colStuff as New Collection
    colStuff.Add "Whatever"
    colStuff.Add "Whatever else"
    dim i as integer
    for i = 1 to 25
    colStuff.Add i

    colStuff.Add "Even more stuff"
    colStuff.Add "Even more stuff"
    colStuff.Add "Whatever else"
    colStuff.Add "Even more stuff"

    for i = 1 to colStuff.count
    debug.print colStuff(i)

    set colStuff = Nothing

    end sub

    note collections are 1 based where arrays are (usually) 0 based
    Mark Propst, Apr 22, 2004
  6. Forget collections as well. Use a Dictionary - Microsoft's not Autodesk's.
    It takes collections to the next level - AND includes a remove item method.
    Here is an example of late-binding to it:

    Dim mDict As Object
    Set mDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    Paste the code with a break and play with the mDict in the immediate window
    while your code is broken. You could also just set a reference to the
    Microsoft Scripting Runtime and use the object browser tto explore it.
    Mike Tuersley, Apr 22, 2004
  7. pkirill

    Mark Propst Guest

    I always forget about that one.
    Seems like I've seen some comments about why not to use them, but if you're
    recommending them that's enough for me!

    now to retrain my habits!!!
    Mark Propst, Apr 22, 2004
  8. pkirill

    AKS Guest

    I have array routines I use all the time for removing items , adding unique
    items, and qsorting. Then one day I realized I could make a collection instead
    of an array. The only thing that seemed to make easier was removing items and
    knowing the count. But there is still the problem with adding unique and
    sorting. All of this code was created for dealing with list and combo boxes.
    If only the collection class and list classes were not so short sighted. I
    can post some of the stuff. It is rude and crude, but it gets the job done and
    is easily transported.
    AKS, Apr 23, 2004
  9. pkirill

    pkirill Guest

    Thanks, Mark and Mike - It seems collections are easier than I thought...
    Certainly easier than an array in this case.

    Thanks for all the details, much appreciated!
    pkirill, Apr 23, 2004
  10. Hmmm.... only reasons I can think of are:

    1. Purist - sticking to just what vba offers
    2. Possibly some incompatability between different OSs

    I use it all the time and haven't run into any issues with it. One of my
    most common implementations is using it with a text file *if* the
    customer's other software that I am integrating with only kicks out text.
    I'll populate the dict with the text data so I can search, etc.

    'Course if there is a valid argument against it, I'd have to re-asses my

    Mike Tuersley, Apr 23, 2004
  11. pkirill

    Mark Propst Guest

    I'm definitely not certain (hows that for a phrase? :) ) that there are any
    valid reasons against it.
    ....just a little dust floating in the back of my cobwebbed brain hollows
    that thought it heard something somewhere once maybe...uh....hmm....

    The other aspect I've considered in regard to either collections or
    dictionaries is *if* I need to store info - either in the dwg or otherwise -
    then I need to transfer the data from the temporary storage to an acad
    dictionary or store it in xml or text or whatever and somehow key that file
    to the dwg.

    Thats why I need to study your other example on xml - so that it could be
    transferred from the scripting dict (since that will be a convenient though
    transient storage medium).
    Mark Propst, Apr 23, 2004
  12. If you want a more detailed example on xml, let me know. The one posted is
    very basic and uses a SQL query against it instead of a normal parser.
    Mike Tuersley, Apr 24, 2004
  13. pkirill

    Mark Propst Guest

    oooh oooh oooh! :)
    Yes please, that'd be really nice!
    I got the two references installed/ the vbaccelerator treeview control and
    the 2.8mdac
    and that's a great little example of using different storage mediums for the
    same info.

    a further example on xml would be much appreciated....
    always easier to learn from a few actual examples than reems of msdn pages!
    Thanks in advance
    Mark Propst, Apr 25, 2004
  14. pkirill

    David Urban Guest

    I wrote an XML reader and writer that uses the parser. It uses a simple
    file that I save my UDT to and load my UDT from each time. I found
    documentation on how to use an XML file in VB very sparse. Thanks MS.
    I have attached my file.

    David Urban

    Attribute VB_Name = "XML"
    Option Explicit
    Public Sub Save_toXML()
    Dim oDoc As DOMDocument

    Dim oAlg As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oSta As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oLat1 As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oLat2 As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oRoot As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oStation As IXMLDOMAttribute

    Set oDoc = Nothing

    Set oDoc = New DOMDocument
    oDoc.async = False

    On Error Resume Next
    oDoc.Load (fXMLFile)
    Set oRoot = oDoc.documentElement
    'If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    oDoc.resolveExternals = True
    If oDoc.parseError <> 0 Then
    ' Create processing instruction and document root
    Set oAlg = oDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0'")
    Set oAlg = oDoc.insertBefore(oAlg, oDoc.childNodes.Item(0))

    ' Create document root
    Set oRoot = oDoc.createElement("Project_" & CStr(Project))
    Set oDoc.documentElement = oRoot
    ' oRoot.setAttribute "xmlns:dt", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes"

    'Set oRoot = oDoc.documentElement
    End If
    Dim events As Variant, alignName As String
    Dim x As Integer, name As String, name2 As String
    name = Replace(algname, " ", "_")
    alignName = "//Project_" & CStr(Project) & "//" & name
    Set oAlg = oDoc.selectSingleNode(alignName)
    name2 = oAlg.baseName
    If name2 <> "" Then
    oRoot.removeChild oAlg
    End If
    Set oAlg = oDoc.createElement(name)
    oRoot.appendChild oAlg
    For x = LBound(AlignPt, 1) To UBound(AlignPt, 1)
    Set oSta = oDoc.createElement("Sta" & Format(AlignPt(x).Station, "0.00"))
    oAlg.appendChild oSta
    Write_XMLStation oSta, oDoc, AlignPt(x)
    Next x

    ' Save xml file
    oDoc.Save fXMLFile

    End Sub
    Public Function Load_fromXML() As Boolean
    Dim oDoc As DOMDocument
    Dim oAlg As IXMLDOMNode, nodes As IXMLDOMNode
    Dim oSta As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oLat1 As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oLat2 As IXMLDOMElement

    Set oDoc = Nothing

    Set oDoc = New DOMDocument
    oDoc.async = False

    On Error Resume Next
    oDoc.Load (fXMLFile)
    'Set oRoot = oDoc.documentElement
    'If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    oDoc.resolveExternals = True
    If oDoc.parseError = 0 Then

    Dim alignName As String
    Dim x As Integer, name As String, name2 As String
    name = Replace(algname, " ", "_")
    alignName = "//Project_" & CStr(Project) & "//" & name
    Set oAlg = oDoc.selectSingleNode(alignName)
    Debug.Print Err.Number
    name2 = oAlg.baseName
    If name2 <> "" Then
    Debug.Print Err.Number
    ReDim AlignPt(oAlg.childNodes.length - 1)
    For x = 0 To oAlg.childNodes.length - 1
    Set oSta = oAlg.childNodes.Item(x)
    Read_XMLStation oSta, AlignPt(x)
    Next x
    Load_fromXML = True
    End If
    End If
    Set oDoc = Nothing

    End Function
    Public Function Delete_Sta_fromXML(Station) As Boolean
    Dim oDoc As DOMDocument
    Delete_Sta_fromXML = False
    Dim oAlg As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oSta As IXMLDOMNode
    Dim oRoot As IXMLDOMElement, oTree As IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap

    Set oDoc = Nothing

    Set oDoc = New DOMDocument
    oDoc.async = False

    On Error Resume Next
    oDoc.Load (fXMLFile)
    Set oRoot = oDoc.documentElement
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
    oDoc.resolveExternals = True
    If oDoc.parseError = 0 Then
    Dim alignName As String
    Dim x As Integer, name As String
    name = Replace(algname, " ", "_")
    alignName = "//Project_" & CStr(Project) & "//" & name
    Set oAlg = oDoc.selectSingleNode(alignName)
    alignName = "//Project_" & CStr(Project) & "//" & name & "//" & "Sta" & Format(Station, "0.00")
    Set oSta = oDoc.selectSingleNode(alignName)
    oAlg.removeChild oSta
    oDoc.Save fXMLFile
    Delete_Sta_fromXML = True
    End If
    End If
    End Function
    Public Function Update_station(temp As junctions) As Boolean
    Dim oDoc As DOMDocument
    Update_station = False
    Dim oAlg As IXMLDOMNode, nodes As IXMLDOMNode
    Dim oSta As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oLat1 As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oLat2 As IXMLDOMElement
    Update_station = False

    Set oDoc = Nothing
    Set oDoc = New DOMDocument
    oDoc.async = False
    Err.Clear: On Error Resume Next
    oDoc.Load (fXMLFile)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
    oDoc.resolveExternals = True
    If oDoc.parseError = 0 Then
    Dim alignName As String
    Dim x As Integer, name As String, name2 As String
    name = Replace(algname, " ", "_")
    alignName = "//Project_" & CStr(Project) & "//" & name
    Set oAlg = oDoc.selectSingleNode(alignName)
    alignName = "//Project_" & CStr(Project) & "//" & name & "//" & "Sta" & Format(temp.Station, "0.00")
    Set oSta = oDoc.selectSingleNode(alignName)
    Debug.Print Err.Number
    name2 = oSta.baseName
    If name2 <> "" Then
    oAlg.removeChild oSta
    End If
    Set oSta = oDoc.createElement("Sta" & Format(temp.Station, "0.00"))
    oAlg.appendChild oSta
    Write_XMLStation oSta, oDoc, temp
    oDoc.Save fXMLFile
    Update_station = True
    End If
    End If
    End Function

    Private Sub Write_XMLStation(oSta As IXMLDOMElement, oDoc As DOMDocument, temp As junctions)
    Dim oLat1 As IXMLDOMElement, oLat2 As IXMLDOMElement
    oSta.setAttribute "Station", temp.Station
    oSta.setAttribute "Event", temp.Event
    oSta.setAttribute "Direction", temp.Direction
    oSta.setAttribute "DirectionUP", temp.DirectionUP
    oSta.setAttribute "Easting", temp.Easting
    oSta.setAttribute "Northing", temp.Northing
    oSta.setAttribute "Pipesize", temp.Pipesize
    oSta.setAttribute "PipesizeUP", temp.PipesizeUP
    oSta.setAttribute "Flowline", temp.FlowLine
    Set oLat1 = oDoc.createElement("Lateral1")
    oSta.appendChild oLat1
    oLat1.setAttribute "name",
    oLat1.setAttribute "Station", temp.Lateral1.INTStation
    oLat1.setAttribute "count", temp.Lateral1.count
    oLat1.setAttribute "Direction", temp.Lateral1.Direction
    oLat1.setAttribute "eEast", temp.Lateral1.EndEasting
    oLat1.setAttribute "eNorth", temp.Lateral1.EndNorthing
    oLat1.setAttribute "eSta", temp.Lateral1.EndStation
    Set oLat2 = oDoc.createElement("Lateral2")
    oSta.appendChild oLat2
    oLat2.setAttribute "name",
    oLat2.setAttribute "Station", temp.Lateral2.INTStation
    oLat2.setAttribute "count", temp.Lateral2.count
    oLat2.setAttribute "Direction", temp.Lateral2.Direction
    oLat2.setAttribute "eEast", temp.Lateral2.EndEasting
    oLat2.setAttribute "eNorth", temp.Lateral2.EndNorthing
    oLat2.setAttribute "eSta", temp.Lateral2.EndStation

    End Sub
    Private Sub Read_XMLStation(oSta As IXMLDOMElement, temp As junctions)
    Dim oLat1 As IXMLDOMElement, oLat2 As IXMLDOMElement
    With temp
    .Station = oSta.getAttribute("Station")
    .Event = oSta.getAttribute("Event")
    .Direction = oSta.getAttribute("Direction")
    .DirectionUP = oSta.getAttribute("DirectionUP")
    .Easting = oSta.getAttribute("Easting")
    .Northing = oSta.getAttribute("Northing")
    .Pipesize = oSta.getAttribute("Pipesize")
    .PipesizeUP = oSta.getAttribute("PipesizeUP")
    .FlowLine = oSta.getAttribute("Flowline")
    Set oLat1 = oSta.firstChild = oLat1.getAttribute("name")
    .Lateral1.INTStation = oLat1.getAttribute("Station")
    .Lateral1.count = oLat1.getAttribute("count")
    .Lateral1.Direction = oLat1.getAttribute("Direction")
    .Lateral1.EndEasting = oLat1.getAttribute("eEast")
    .Lateral1.EndNorthing = oLat1.getAttribute("eNorth")
    .Lateral1.EndStation = oLat1.getAttribute("eSta")
    Set oLat2 = oSta.lastChild = oLat2.getAttribute("name")
    .Lateral2.INTStation = oLat2.getAttribute("Station")
    .Lateral2.count = oLat2.getAttribute("count")
    .Lateral2.Direction = oLat2.getAttribute("Direction")
    .Lateral2.EndEasting = oLat2.getAttribute("eEast")
    .Lateral2.EndNorthing = oLat2.getAttribute("eNorth")
    .Lateral2.EndStation = oLat2.getAttribute("eSta")
    End With
    End Sub
    Public Function read_rec_fromXML(alignmentName As String, Station As Double, Xtemp As junctions) As Boolean
    Dim oDoc As DOMDocument
    read_rec_fromXML = False
    Dim oAlg As IXMLDOMNode, nodes As IXMLDOMNode
    Dim oSta As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oLat1 As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oLat2 As IXMLDOMElement

    Set oDoc = Nothing
    Set oDoc = New DOMDocument
    oDoc.async = False
    Err.Clear: On Error Resume Next
    oDoc.Load (fXMLFile)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
    oDoc.resolveExternals = True
    If oDoc.parseError = 0 Then
    Dim alignName As String
    Dim x As Integer, name As String, name2 As String
    name = Replace(alignmentName, " ", "_")
    alignName = "//Project_" & CStr(Project) & "//" & name
    Set oAlg = oDoc.selectSingleNode(alignName)
    alignName = "//Project_" & CStr(Project) & "//" & name & "//" & "Sta" & Format(Station, "0.00")
    Set oSta = oDoc.selectSingleNode(alignName)
    Debug.Print Err.Number
    name2 = oSta.baseName
    If name2 <> "" Then
    Read_XMLStation oSta, Xtemp
    read_rec_fromXML = True
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Function
    Public Function delete_begin_end(events As String) As Boolean
    Dim oDoc As DOMDocument
    Dim oAlg As IXMLDOMNode, nodes As IXMLDOMNode
    Dim oSta As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oLat1 As IXMLDOMElement
    Dim oLat2 As IXMLDOMElement
    Update_station = False

    Set oDoc = Nothing
    Set oDoc = New DOMDocument
    oDoc.async = False
    Err.Clear: On Error Resume Next
    oDoc.Load (fXMLFile)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
    oDoc.resolveExternals = True
    If oDoc.parseError = 0 Then
    Dim alignName As String
    Dim x As Integer, name As String, name2 As String
    name = Replace(algname, " ", "_")
    alignName = "//Project_" & CStr(Project) & "//" & name
    Set oAlg = oDoc.selectSingleNode(alignName)
    Set oSta = oAlg.firstChild
    While oAlg.nextSibling <> oAlg.lastChild
    Select Case events
    Case "Begin"
    If oSta.getAttribute("Event") = "Begin Construction" Then
    oAlg.removeChild oSta
    End If
    Case "End"
    If oSta.getAttribute("Event") = "End Construction" Then
    oAlg.removeChild oSta
    End If
    End Select
    Set oSta = oAlg.nextSibling
    End If
    End If
    End Function
    David Urban, Apr 26, 2004
  15. pkirill

    Mark Propst Guest

    Thanks David, for that sample.
    I'll be studying that as soon as i dig out from under this pile of work!
    Mark Propst, Apr 29, 2004
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