pro wildfire and intralink 3.3

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by PJ, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. PJ

    PJ Guest

    Anyone who has any experience with pro wildfire and intralink 3.3?
    We uppgraded from pro 2000i2 and intralink 2.0 this week.
    And then the problems started:
    1: We has to verify every instance in proe before we are allowed to
    check the parts in to commonspace.
    This is causes a lot of work if we have a assembly with 20-30 sheet-metal
    with flat-state. We have to verify every single part.

    2: We get a conflict when we save uppgraded parts in proe:
    The following dependence attribute definition(s) are not among Filebased in
    Pro/intralink: Proi_Component name.
    Any resolution to this problem?
    PJ, Sep 25, 2003
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