Pro/DESKTOP newbie question: radial constraint possible?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by J. Haider, Jul 9, 2003.

  1. J. Haider

    J. Haider Guest

    Hello Pro/D experts,

    I'm starting to learn Pro/D (Express). In Design mode, I'm stuck with
    this problem:

    - I draw a circle with say 40 mm diameter
    - I draw a smaller circle concentric inside the first one
    - now I want to put a dimensional constraint _between_ the two
    circles, specifiying a 5 mm "wall thickness"
    - this should result in an inner circle that's always 10 mm smaller in
    diameter than the larger one... can this be achieved??

    Any help and ideas highly appreciated.


    J. Haider, Jul 9, 2003
  2. J. Haider

    J. Haider Guest

    Hello David,

    thanks a lot for your input. Since the part (a pipe clamp) is a bit
    more complicated than I described, the first alternative works
    beautifully here.

    Thanks again,

    J. Haider, Jul 10, 2003
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