Polyline fits inside another?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mgrigoriev, Apr 5, 2004.

  1. mgrigoriev

    mgrigoriev Guest

    I have two closed polylines. Is there a way to find out if one polyline can fit inside another?
    mgrigoriev, Apr 5, 2004
  2. mgrigoriev

    Jackrabbit Guest

    You could transform one polyline so that it's first vertex lines up with the
    first vertex of the other. Then check to see if each vertice on the first is
    inside the boundary of the second polyline.

    Here's an alogithm that determines whether or not a point lies inside a
    polyline. It's written in Delphi (Pascal) but it should give you an idea of
    how to procede.



    TPoint2D = Record
    X: Double;
    Y: Double;


    function Angle2D(P1, P2: TPoint2D): Double;
    Delta: Double;
    Theta1: Double;
    Theta2: Double;
    Theta1 := ArcTan2(P1.Y, P1.X);
    Theta2 := ArcTan2(P2.Y, P2.X);
    Delta := Theta2 - Theta1;

    while Delta > PI do
    Delta := Delta - (2 * PI);

    while Delta < -PI do
    Delta := Delta + (2 * PI);

    Result := Delta;


    function IsInsidePolygon(Vertices: array of TPoint2D; Point: TPoint2D): Boolean;
    Angle: Double;
    I: Integer;
    P1: TPoint2D;
    P2: TPoint2D;
    Angle := 0;
    for I := Low(Vertices) to High(Vertices) - 1 do
    P1.X := Vertices.X - Point.X;
    P1.Y := Vertices.Y - Point.Y;
    P2.X := Vertices[I + 1].X - Point.X;
    P2.Y := Vertices[I + 1].Y - Point.Y;
    Angle := Angle + Angle2D(P1, P2);

    if Abs(Angle) < PI then
    Result := FALSE;
    Result := TRUE;

    Jackrabbit, Apr 5, 2004
  3. mgrigoriev

    wivory Guest

    That's a good idea, but it is incomplete. Lining up the first vertex of one with the first vertex of the other may result in overlapping, whereas lining up the fourth vertex of one with the seventh vertex of the other may be produce a compliant result.

    Further, depending on the requirements/constraints of the original problem it may be possible to produce a solution only by mirroring one of the polylines.

    Finally, it still may not be possible to get a solution where *any* of the vertices are lined up (ie touching) but might be possible if the interior polyline was moved further in (ie away) from all the vertices. For this situation imagine a big star and a slightly smaller star inside - if you were to coincide any of their points there would be overlaps but if you aligned their centroids and rotated the inner one appropriately you would get a solution.

    After all that, I'm sorry I'm not providing an actual answer to the original question. You may like to seek a mathematical answer at the Dr Math forum http://mathforum.org/dr.math/ .


    Wayne Ivory
    IT Analyst Programmer
    Wespine Industries Pty Ltd
    wivory, Apr 6, 2004
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