PLEASE HELP AGAIN: need to export informations about saved UCS

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Alberto, Jan 23, 2004.

  1. Alberto

    Alberto Guest

    I need to export the transformation
    I'm sorry, but I couldn't understand ur answer, or maybe u've misunderstood
    my question...
    I'll try to explain it better with an example....

    Imagine to create a new UCS on a face of a solid (command: UCS/new/face...)
    and then to save it in the UCS's list (command: UCS/save...)... if U show
    the list of the saved UCSs (command: UCS/?/*) every saved UCS is followed by
    its origin and its spatial orientation (expressed by the cosins of the
    angles formed by each of the 3 axys of the UCS and the axys of the WCS) = 12
    values totally.

    What I need to do is to write down to a text file those 12 values with a
    LISP routine.

    Any suggestion?

    Thanks a lot

    Alberto, Jan 23, 2004
  2. Alberto

    P.C. Guest


    Sorry ,but what you need is still a bit unclear, but the 3 points define a
    face being the UCS, reson you don't get the vector is that you can calculate
    this from the 3 points. But what about having the ucs defined as vector with
    Zaxis option.
    then you only need to store one point for each UCS .
    First storing the points defining the UCS make it easyer , ------- eh guess
    you know the standard way to write a line to file.
    P.C., Jan 23, 2004
  3. Alberto

    bestafor Guest

    (getvar "ucsorg")
    (getvar "uscxdir")
    (getvar "ucsydir")
    This will give you all you need.
    Hope this helps.
    bestafor, Jan 23, 2004
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