Place all the cells of the library (like standard cell lib) in asingle layout window

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Juve, Dec 5, 2008.

  1. Juve

    Juve Guest

    Place all the cells of the library (like standard cell lib) in a
    single layout window
    Juve, Dec 5, 2008
  2. something like

    lib = "libName"

    i = 0
    j = 0

    procedure( place(cell)
    num = get_pname(concat("I" i))
    cv = deGetCellView()
    cellId = dbOpenCellViewByType( lib cell "layout" "" 'r )
    dbCreateInst(cv cellId num list(0 j) "R0" 1)
    j = j - 17 ; vertical step

    foreach(cell '(

    gagarineugene, Dec 5, 2008
  3. Juve

    vtcad Guest

    procedure(rfCreateInst(libName newCell)
    let( (libId layouts topCV xLoc)

    layouts=abGetCellViewsInLibByView(libId "layout")

    foreach(layout layouts
    if(member(layout~>cellName cellList) then
    layoutList=cons(layout layoutList)
    );end if


    if(!abCellViewExists(libName newCell "layout") then
    topCV = dbOpenCellViewByType(libName newCell "layout" "maskLayout"
    xLoc = 0.0
    foreach(layout layoutList
    dbCreateInst(topCV layout nil (xLoc - snapClosest(llx
    (layout~>bBox) 0.05)):0.0 "R0" 1)
    xLoc = xLoc + snapClosest(width(layout~>bBox) 0.05) + 20.0
    ); end foreach cell

    printf(" Completed Building Instance\n")
    foreach(layout layouts dbClose(layout)
    );end foreach

    output=sprintf(nil "Cell %L Already Exists \n" newCell)
    hiDisplayAppDBox(?name 'noLayerError
    ?dboxBanner "Error"
    ?dboxText output
    ?dialogType hicErrorDialog
    ?buttonLayout 'Close)
    );end if

    );end let
    ); end procedure
    vtcad, Dec 23, 2008
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