Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chris Bak, Jul 25, 2003.

  1. Chris Bak

    Chris Bak Guest

    Does anyone know if there's an easy way to specify use of one pattern file
    and/or to update all hatch patterns in a drawing to come from one or the
    other (similar to the line files .lin) - either acad.pat or acadiso.pat.
    Starting a new drawing works fine, the hatch is basically the scale of
    whatever drawing you are doing, but cutting and pasting from other files,
    the same hatch shows form both acad.pat and acadiso.pat., so for example the
    hatch DOTS could appear to be the same in 2 drawings, but have different
    scales of 1.00 and 25.4. We do a lot of metric drawing sets and imperial
    drawing sets and it gets sloppy when people try to matchprop hatch not
    knowing it may be from the other pattern file. Any help would be great.
    Chris Bak, Jul 25, 2003
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