Password on the code prevents the code from running

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mgrigoriev, Jan 6, 2005.

  1. mgrigoriev

    mgrigoriev Guest


    I have a code that programmatically puts some stuff into "This Drawing" with the help of VBEModel. The code doesn't work when I put a password on my code. What can I do about it? Once I type in the password the code works fine.

    mgrigoriev, Jan 6, 2005
  2. mgrigoriev

    MP Guest


    Unless I'm misunderstanding something (which is likely), I thought the VBE
    model wasn't primarily for putting stuff into autocad programatically, it's
    for writing/editing code programatically.
    Therefore whatever you're actually doing - if you're actually using vbe -
    maybe not having the password in prevents the modules you may be trying to
    edit to be edited.
    As far as I know a vba password only prevents the code from being viewed in
    the vbaide. It doesn't in my limited experience prevent the code from

    Is that what you're doing? Writing code on the fly via other code using the
    vbe model?

    If you're just adding drawing elements to autocad I don't know where the vbe
    model comes into play.
    Like I said, I'm probably misunderstanding something. So sorry if this
    doesn't make sense.

    Perhaps a sample of your code would make things more clear.


    with the help of VBEModel. The code doesn't work when I put a password on my
    code. What can I do about it? Once I type in the password the code works
    MP, Jan 6, 2005
  3. Hi,

    Did the program writer create a function to request a password each time you
    run the program?

    Then is the program exiting if you don't provide the password?

    This can be a way of creating "Shareware". The incentive to purchase is
    that you can get a permanent password.

    As MP noted, having a password to hide the code from viewing/editing has no
    effect on whether the program will run.


    Laurie Comerford

    with the help of VBEModel. The code doesn't work when I put a password on my
    code. What can I do about it? Once I type in the password the code works
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 7, 2005
  4. I understand what your problem is and don't think there is a solution. What is the purpose of your program adding code into ThisDrawing object as you may be able to do something else to meet this purpose.
    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Jan 7, 2005
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