Parent child database on Open Access

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Erik Wanta, May 10, 2005.

  1. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    I am trying to traverse a config view with the ccpExpandConfig view
    with a modified example from Andrew Beckett. I am getting both
    veriloga and symbol for a leaf node. How do I just get veriloga? That
    is, how do I just get the views that specified in the config view (in
    this case, just veriloga instead of veriloga and symbol)? In the copy
    form in the library manager there is an exact hierarchy button but I
    don't see an option for this in ccpExpandConfig.

    prog((obj spec specList cellViewInfo)

    obj=ddGetObj("vco_moscap" "vco_tx_sim" "config")
    specList=ccpExpandConfig(spec 'CCP_EXPAND_COMANAGED)


    cellViewInfo=gdmInspectSpec(spec2 "LibraryUnix")

    ) ; when
    ) ; while

    ) ; prog
    ) ; procedure
    Erik Wanta, May 10, 2005
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