Orcad Pspice Analog circuit problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Ed Nowak, Feb 6, 2004.

  1. Ed Nowak

    Ed Nowak Guest

    I am an instructor using Orcad Pspice Lite Version 9.2 to model an
    electro-mechanical transducer(actually a subwoofer). I get the message
    "No Pspice Template for SUB3, ignoring" where SUB3 is a hierarchical
    block containing an analog circuit. What could be the problem?
    Ed Nowak, Feb 6, 2004
  2. Ed Nowak

    Tim Roy Guest


    There should be a property called Pspice Template on the symbol. The
    value should be something like this, X^@REFDES %LGND %PAD %VCC @MODEL,
    where %LGND %PAD %VCC are the pins of the symbol.

    Maybe this property got deleted some how.

    Tim Roy, Feb 10, 2004
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