ocean script read-in error

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by girish, Aug 21, 2003.

  1. girish

    girish Guest


    This regarding an error ocean returns after running a script.
    I am running a part of the ocean script generated by Affirma:
    Session-> Save Script... shown below

    simulator( 'spectre )

    design( "/net/eceuva.p8/gbr3p/simulation/gbr_vtgreg_folded_cloop/spectre/schematic/netlist/netlist")

    resultsDir( "/net/eceuva.p8/gbr3p/simulation/gbr_vtgreg_folded_cloop/spectre/schematic"

    modelFile( "/net/sr10/msl/mwsp/ts35/spectre.inc" )

    stimulusFile( ?xlate nil

    analysis('tran ?stop "1000u" ?ic "all" ?save "all"
    ?oppoint "screen" )

    desVar( "Rcap" 2 )
    desVar( "Rout" 0.1 )
    desVar( "Rin" 32 )
    desVar( "bondwire" 2n )
    desVar( "sink_width" 75u )
    desVar( "filter_cap" 1000p )
    desVar( "vref" "3.3-(Rin+Rout)*(5m)" )


    when I load this file at the ocean prompt, it returns with the
    following error:

    Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
    "/net/sr10/msl/mwsp/ts35/spectre.inc" 20: Encountered
    C-preprocessor (cpp)
    directive `#'. Use -E command line argument to run cpp.

    the file it refers to is the modelfile (spectre.inc). Why does spectre
    return this error even though I feed the same model file while running
    simulations on the Affirma Analog Circuit Design Environment with the
    spectre simulator?

    Does this imply that the script generated by Save Script cannot be
    directly loaded into ocean?

    This is one of my initial attempts to understand ocean, so please
    excuse me if I have committed a silly mistake. Any pointer(s) will
    very helpful. Thank you.

    girish, Aug 21, 2003
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