oa2cdb utility

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Tarek, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. Tarek

    Tarek Guest

    Long story short, I need to translate a design back to IC5141 which
    I've started in IC613. I tried the oa2cdb utility on an unimportant
    library first, but get the following error:

    megatron:/home/student1/guest2/cmrf8sf-cdb> /CMC/tools/cadence/
    IC-6.1.4/tools/dfII/bin/oa2cdb -lib exampleVCO -cdslibpath ~/cmrf8sf/
    *WARNING* envGetVal: Could not find variable 'dbStatCacheOn'
    in tool[.partition] 'cdba'.
    *WARNING* envGetVal: Could not find variable 'dbInstNamingGlobalInc'
    in tool[.partition] 'cdba'.
    ERROR (OACDB-113): Failed to find the OpenAccess library
    because the library is not defined in /home/
    or is not readable. Ensure that the OpenAccess
    library definition file
    you specify defines the library you want to
    translate and
    that you have permission to read the library.

    INFO (OACDB-820): oa2cdb translation failed.

    exampleVCO is defined in lib.defs

    megatron:/home/student1/guest2/cmrf8sf-cdb> tail -1 ~/cmrf8sf/lib.defs
    DEFINE exampleVCO exampleVCO

    The permissions on the folder are

    megatron:/home/student1/guest2/cmrf8sf-cdb> ls -ld ~/cmrf8sf/
    drwx------ 3 guest2 student 512 Apr 12 11:12 /home/student1/guest2/

    Please advise.

    Tarek, Apr 14, 2010
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